Watch This Douchebag Pickup Truck Driver Pull A Gun On An Innocent Biker

When a group of bikers have a dispute with one pickup truck driver, another pick up truck joins in on the action. Suddenly, all hell breaks loose, and a gun is pointed in a biker's face!

Here’s some back story according to the video uploader’s description:

Okay, so a little bit of a back story. We are out riding and on the way to ride some trails off road. One of ours guys did get in the dirt for a min. Someone else came and said that he got it on camera. He went to the back of his vehicle and said he got his plates on camera too. The guy in the red truck didn’t like what he’d seen apparently and started flipping the bird and trying to get a reaction from everyone in the group. I went to ask why they are flipping me and everyone off and this is what resulted of that. Stay safe out there everyone, you never know what kind of person you are going to be dealing with at the end of the day. I am thankful to be alive. That sounds crazy to say, I am glad the gun didn’t go off. Even if it would have been an accident, because he clearly don’t seem to know how to handle the weapon.

Obviously, this is just one side of the story and we can’t be 100 per cent sure what happened before the footage. But still, to pull a gun on an innocent man in broad daylight takes a special kind of douchebag and is an image this biker will struggle to get out of his head for a very long time.

Be safe out there and respect each other.

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Jericho 1

People like this give us truck drivers bad names

02/03/2016 - 02:02 |
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It’d be nice to see the video five minutes prior to this. Still, crazy, crazy people. Presumably, they probably should be able to get the police to help out. Hopefully, they do. Just when all is well some idiot comes along to ruin everything. Seems to happen more often when biking in groups, though.

02/03/2016 - 02:46 |
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Mike deluca

So ima throw my two cents in here…look at both sides ( I’m not taking either ). The bikers regardless of doing wrong or not were being harassed by drivers (not very bad keep in mind) now…the biker decided to go to his window, and unknown to the driver and passenger he knocked and the passenger pointed to the gun and asked the driver to grab the gun… ( driver unaware of biker at window )…he grabbed his gun and pointed it…then withdrew it…but at the ready. I’m not gonna argue who was wrong and right. I will simply say this so people understand…I have personally had someone approach my car simply because I crossed two lanes on the highway quickly… (used the turn signals and late at night) granted I did not pull a gun…but it scares me to think he approached my car and could have done something. See both sides… it wasn’t right for him to point the gun at him…but consider his position. Be safe people…and smart, guns aren’t toys and are a last resort.

02/03/2016 - 04:15 |
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Sorry, but even if the guy had not pointed the gun at him, this guy was NOT being responsible with that gun, and was showing little to no signs that he is a respectable gun owner.

For starters, he has his pointer finger ON THE TRIGGER the whole time he’s holding it, if there were some reason for him to have been aiming it at the guy, I would understand being ready to fire, but when the threat is gone, the safety is on, and the gun is holstered. It was clear after the first few seconds (funny enough the amount of time the guy had the gun pointed at him) that he was only there to talk. I could understand still holding the gun at this point, but holding with your finger on the trigger? That’s just begging for a misfire…

Next, notice how he’s waving the gun around while yelling and saying “im about to shoot all you mother*!” It’s a clear indication that he has no respect for the power he wields in his hand. As stated, guns are NOT toys, they are not something to be used as an empty threat, and they are not something to be pulled out and waved around at someone who is pissing you off. They beat you over the head with this stuff in classes you have to take to carry a handgun here in the state of Texas.

So it shows that this guy either didn’t have a permit to carry one outside of his car (truck more specifically since this is actually a car website) or he didn’t care and just wanted a gun so he could threaten people with it, giving respectful gun owners like me the bad name we get from people like this.

02/03/2016 - 06:19 |
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People like this aren’t brave, they’re stupid. I’m against violence, but if you want to show how strong you are, have a fist fight. I’m sure if this happened, the guy with the gun would lose.

02/03/2016 - 04:46 |
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Sweg CRX

“America’s great isn’t it?! Except for the south.” -Peter Griffin

02/03/2016 - 06:15 |
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did anyone else notice that the passenger looked like the guy who pulled a gun in Florida with facial hair.

02/03/2016 - 06:41 |
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Look americans, Your guns arent saving nearly as many lives as they are taking and that is a fact. There needs to be much stricter gun laws or just get rid of them altogether. I own hunting rifles by the way

02/03/2016 - 07:59 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Do you have backup of this “fact”?

02/03/2016 - 12:44 |
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ahah, i would have pulled over and shoved that gun in his ass, he wasn’t brave enough to shoot any1

02/03/2016 - 20:33 |
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When I see stuff like this I am so glad I live in a country that has very strict gun controls! The stuff I see happening in the US just blows me away! The problem is that they need to get their laws and regulations out of the stone age. The second amendment was added in like 1791! America was a slightly different place in 1791 from where it is today! In Canada we dont all carry guns and we seem to get by just fine. Europe has gun control and they are also doing well. Look at the statistics and get with the times.

02/04/2016 - 16:42 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Seems you have just about the same laws and restrictions. Not “that” much different than here.
Criminals will continue to procure and use firearms even after the legal citizens no longer would be allowed to.

06/12/2016 - 16:18 |
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Well I would just be more carefull with other drivers in a country where everyone could possibly have a freakin gun ins his truck/car .. just think about it ^^

05/03/2016 - 21:12 |
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