Watch A Fleeing Driver Throw Spikes And Leave A Smokescreen While Escaping From Cops
While the smoke screen looks to be an unintended consequence of imminent engine death, its 'deployment' - along with the spikes being thrown - gives this Lithuanian car chase a certain spy film feel!
Lithuanians be like:
(shows Volvo)
the only way they were able to stop that Volvo is by getting its wheels off the ground
That there smoke screen is a blown turbo, otherwise he’d have been able to get away after dropping the caltrops…. Volvo fails at Deathtrack.
the one time you go on a police chase and your engine dies!!
My country ;DD
“The suspect’s vehicle burned itself out and the fleeing criminal’s getaway…went up in smoke.”
the siren sounds like pac man
“roadrunner 520” why is that written in the top left?
this is what happens when you watch to may james bond films