Watch Matt Farah Get Repeatedly Shot At In A Merc

Matt Farah gets behind the wheel of a bullet resistant Mercedes to test just how resistant it is

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The internet is full of stupid people doing stupid things. But sometimes our automotive heroes put themselves in harm's way to satisfy our adrenaline-junkie urges.

So it comes as no surprise to see The Smoking Tire's very own Matt Farah testing the resilience of a bulletproof car by getting behind the wheel and being shot at. Repeatedly.

The car in question is an old Mercedes S600 Guard Edition, which features a factory option that makes it, so Mercedes says, 'bullet resistant.' After buying the car, the Farah and Ferretti duo agree that "the only logical thing to do would be to make sure the car can really stop a bullet."

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Matt then jumps in the car, while Rob Ferretti (the annoying one) takes hold of a 9mm pistol and aims it at his 'willing' co-host. Shots are fired and the door and window impressively withstands the barrage.

So there you have it; a bullet resistant Merc really is bullet resistant. Best not to pull the same stunt at home, however! The desert makes far better sense.


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