Watch A Porsche Cayenne Driver Scrape The Hell Out Of Their Car While Trying To Fit In A Tiny Garage
For some reason, this person seems desperate to squeeze their Cayenne into a small garage at an awkward angle in Vancouver, whatever damage it causes to the car or the building!
As speculated by a few people on Reddit and the YouTube comment thread, it could be that the Cayenne driver was desperately trying to hide their car after fleeing the scene of an accident. The front right wheel, tyre and wing look to be damaged at the start of the video, and there’s what looks like damage to the road caused by a busted rim.
Perhaps the driver wasn’t insured, or had been drinking. If we can find out any more, we’ll let you know!
Most appropiate meme here
This person shouldn’t be allowed to drive a car. Why does this person even have a porsche if he sucks at driving?
Every expensive car owner sucks at driving. LOL
Actually he wasn’t allowed to drive at all :)
He guy is doing his best to lay low and not atracct attention but now has done the exact opposite of that, especially since someone posted this on youtube.
That’s what she said.
Will honda fit?
So a 3 time world champion sucks, a 9 time Le Mans winner sucks, and a GTE AM winner sucks?
*here in my garage
Lol this looks kinda fleeing from the police in GTA V