Watch A Porsche Cayenne Driver Scrape The Hell Out Of Their Car While Trying To Fit In A Tiny Garage

For some reason, this person seems desperate to squeeze their Cayenne into a small garage at an awkward angle in Vancouver, whatever damage it causes to the car or the building!

As speculated by a few people on Reddit and the YouTube comment thread, it could be that the Cayenne driver was desperately trying to hide their car after fleeing the scene of an accident. The front right wheel, tyre and wing look to be damaged at the start of the video, and there’s what looks like damage to the road caused by a busted rim.

Perhaps the driver wasn’t insured, or had been drinking. If we can find out any more, we’ll let you know!

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Kevin Ramos

Happend in my home town. Driver was 16 had no license was involved in a hit and run prior to this and the police used this video to find and arrest him.

06/24/2016 - 13:11 |
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Explanation time! The person driving the car at this moment is a 16-year old who’s mom (the Porsche’s owner) wasn’t in town during this time, so he thought he’d take it for a spin (or twelve, it’s unknown if he’s driven it before). During this drive he hit a stationary car and, instead of waiting for the police to arrive and pay an estimated $280 for driving without a license he decided to flee the scene, making matters worse for himself. After which…. well, the clip explains itself. Police, who were searching for the culprit of the accident, “a white Porsche”, connected the dots.

TL;DR 16 year old drives mum’s car, hits car, flees scene, fails at parking, gets busted.

06/24/2016 - 20:55 |
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Watch A Porsche Cayenne Driver Scrape The Hell Out Of Their Car While Trying To Fit In A Tiny Garage
Graydon Johnson

Ayyyyye Vancouver reppin

06/25/2016 - 05:58 |
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Give me the car if you don’t want it :O

06/25/2016 - 12:58 |
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that driver broke the front right wheels really bad, it hurted my heart and broke my sanity

06/25/2016 - 15:33 |
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This just hurts to watch. A person with such a disrespect to a vehicle should not be let near one again…

06/25/2016 - 20:59 |
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It was a 16 year old kid with no drivers license.

06/25/2016 - 21:31 |
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Here is the current list of cars and their stereotypes.

BMW: Never indicates
Audi: Tailgates
Honda: Always hated on because its a Honda
Mustang: Crowd Killer
And my new addition to the list…
Porshe: Parks wherever with no concern for the car itself

06/27/2016 - 10:21 |
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Need some phtoshopped photos of Moog here

06/27/2016 - 12:25 |
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The Volvo Guy (Ikea Meatballs)

I does fit.

07/02/2016 - 20:17 |
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