Watch This Range Rover Run Over Intimidating Bikers, Before Being Chased And Attacked

Nobody comes out of this looking good, as a group of bikers tangle with a Range Rover in New York
One biker chats to the driver One biker chats to the driver

A man has been left hospitalised following an attack by a group of bikers after a chase through the streets of New York. An earlier incident on the freeway led to the driver panicking and running over stationary motorbikes and riders, which sparked these incredible scenes.

The biker then pulls in front of the Range Rover and slows down The biker then pulls in front of the Range Rover and slows down

A large group of bikers were riding the freeway, when they came across a black Range Rover. Inside sat the driver - a man in his 30s - his wife and a young child aged under 5. Watching the video below, the 4x4 becomes surrounded on all sides by motorbikes; one rider appears to have a brief conversation with the driver, before deliberately slowing in front of him. It is unclear whether any incident occurred prior to the video starting, as the bikers seem to be intent on surrounding the Range Rover.

The bikers surround the driver, at which point he panics The bikers surround the driver, at which point he panics

The driver bumps into the bike, and is immediately surrounded by other riders, who block the road. Suddenly the Range Rover hits the throttle and launches over stationary bikes to escape the mass of people. It is unclear from the video what caused him to make a run for it, however the Daily Mail reports that he told police he pulled over after accidentally hitting one of the 'erratic' riders, before they began to damage his vehicle. He then drove off 'to avoid an impending assault.'

Sending riders and their bikes flying, the 4x4 launches over stationary bikes Sending riders and their bikes flying, the 4x4 makes its escape

The bikers then take the law into their own hands, following the Range Rover along the freeway into New York City. Along the way, while slowing for traffic, one rider jumps off his bike and tries to open the door. The driver again accelerates away, knocking one bike over in the process. Once fully stopped, a biker smashes the driver's window with his helmet, while his friend punches the rear window where the child sits.

The group catch up and again begin to surround the family The group catch up and again begin to surround the family

The video cuts out at this point, however police reported that the driver was in hospital with lacerations to his face and body. Contrary to earlier reports, no bikers were killed, or even injured, in the incident.

Slowing for traffic, a biker seizes the opportunity to grab the driver, who again escapes Slowing for traffic, a biker seizes the opportunity to grab the driver, who again escapes
Finally boxed in by traffic, the bikers take the chance to attack. One smashes a window with his helmet, another with a fist. The video cuts out as others join them Finally boxed in by traffic, the bikers take the chance to attack. One smashes a window with his helmet, another with a fist

While the Range Rover driver doesn't exactly cover himself in glory by running over the bikes - he's claiming that he feared for his safety. If you were sat with your family and a huge group of people began attacking your car, it's hard to see any other action to take.

So far no-one has been charged with an offence, but the police continue to analyse the evidence. Our question to you: who are you siding with? Vote in the poll below:


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