Watch Sebastian Vettel Test F1 2017's Way Wider Tyres

Formula 1 tyres are increasing in width by 25 per cent in 2017, and Pirelli has been busy testing them at Fiorano. Watch Sebastian Vettel thrash his way around on the new set of rubber!
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F1 is going for an old-school vibe with the new, wider tyres, bringing them back to the kind of proportions and look we saw in the 1970s. The widths are increasing by 25% and this will certainly improve track performance and could give us better racing too.

The front tyres will increase in width from 245mm to 305mm, with the rears moving from 325mm to 405mm. YouTuber 19Bozzy92 captured great footage of Sebastian Vettel testing new, wide 2017 intermediate and wet tyres at Ferrari’s Fiorano test track using a modified SF15-T.

Image source: Pirelli
Image source: Pirelli

As well as making the cars look even more aggressive and bold, the tyres will also give drivers more mechanical grip, which will speed up laptimes and car performance. The changes to the aero and the improved grip could also help the racing, potentially boosting overtaking. That can only be a good thing.

Pirelli has an extensive test programme planned for these wider 2017 tyres over the rest of the year, with Ferrari, Red Bull and Mercedes taking part.

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Jess 1


08/03/2016 - 14:46 |
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Oliver Bailey

Is that a V8 too?!

08/03/2016 - 15:28 |
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Watch Sebastian Vettel Test F1 2017's Way Wider Tyres

This just feels like:

08/03/2016 - 15:44 |
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am i the only one who thinks F1 should be broadcasted in 60fps? (this video is 50 but whatever)

08/03/2016 - 17:02 |
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Joel Peñaló

So they can bring back the tyres but not the noise? smh fam

08/03/2016 - 17:51 |
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^ wankel too

08/04/2016 - 00:50 |
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F1 is dead for me,in 5 years they will drive 1.0 engines with 4 electro motors

08/04/2016 - 05:21 |
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SAREEE (rally bro)

Does anyone now by how much will laptimes be improved

08/04/2016 - 05:46 |
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now all they have to do is fix the engine
by re-introducing V10, preferrably

08/04/2016 - 13:31 |
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And to your left, the mid track shell station

08/06/2016 - 00:08 |
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