Watch Two Idiot Drivers Block Half A Motorway For No Damn Reason

In this baffling incident, two drivers took it upon themselves to block traffic, mistakenly thinking the outside lane was closed
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It’s really, really hard to watch this video and resit the urge to repeatedly bang your head against the nearest table. Filmed via a dashcam on the M62 motorway near Huddersfield, UK, the footage shows the camera car approaching traffic, which he begins to slowly pass on the clearer outside lane.

At the 21 second mark, a Kia Sedona driver pulls out to block the outside lane, taking it upon himself to enforce a lane closure displayed on an earlier gantry sign. But here’s the thing: the lane had already re-opened, which was shown by the following gantry showing ‘40’ on each lane and no red crosses - something Mr Sedona clearly missed.

Even if there was a lane closure, the uploader would still be in the right, as the Highway Code actually encourages merging in turn under such circumstances (rule 134, if you’re bored and want to look it up), so long as it’s at lower speeds.

Watch Two Idiot Drivers Block Half A Motorway For No Damn Reason

The camera car driver and even drivers behind him are seen getting out and pleading with our misinformed Kia driver to let them past, to no avail. Then, just to ramp up the frustration level further, a Ford Kuga driver later decides to team up with our misinformed Kia man, blocking the next lane over to the left too. And for what looks like a significant period of time - we can’t even begin to imagine the length of the tailback this moronic pair caused.

At the 5min 20sec mark the Sedona-driving douchebag finally gives in, having seen that the next gantry was displaying all four lanes as open. He moves over, letting dozens of frustrated motorists past.

The stupid is very, very strong with this one.

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The Kia driver is lucky that he didn’t get his ass beat. Not everyone is as nice as the people he’s pissed off that one day
Life comes back at you fast, and idiots like him can’t escape karma

01/26/2018 - 02:22 |
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Police 428

I believe this is when Hammond comes in with the Marauder and crushes both cars…

01/26/2018 - 04:42 |
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If the sign said miles back that the right lane is closed…then get the f over to the left lane…you trying to drive in the right lane is the exact reason that the traffic is at a stand still..I commend the “Idiot” that is blocking him from making the situation worse….

01/26/2018 - 05:57 |
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Complete idiots

01/26/2018 - 08:26 |
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01/26/2018 - 08:29 |
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I see the problem. They’re driving on the wrong side of the road. Idk why, but it’s pretty dumb

01/26/2018 - 11:57 |
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Go home dumbasses, your drunk.

01/26/2018 - 13:11 |
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Paul Beckman (slowtsx)

See, this is why I own a straight piped 4Runner (with bash (or push) bar on the front bash bar on purpose for dumb people like this) and I just gently nudge them out of the way. This just infuriates me to the max. And instead of honking my horn, I would have just been banging redlne. I’m sure many people who have a straight piped vehicle would agree with me

01/26/2018 - 15:10 |
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this is how murder happens

01/26/2018 - 15:36 |
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Does anyone know why the people in the two left hand lanes did not move over to the right in front of these guys. That would have got traffic flowing they can’t block 4 lanes.

01/26/2018 - 18:38 |
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