What Causes Tyres To Degrade Over Time?

What happens when your set of tyres are left sitting for years on end, never rotating under their own power and abandoned to fight the elements? Let us walk you through it
What Causes Tyres To Degrade Over Time?

Considering tyres are your car’s only contact patch with the road surface, it’s safe to say they should never be taken for granted or forgotten about. Take into account the sheer amount of beating that those circles of rubber have to take day after day - it is not difficult to realise tyres will degrade over time.

Even while simply sitting stationary on a driveway, car tyres are susceptible to wearing down and cracking to a point where they become unusable. You will have all seen that one unused classic car in your neighbourhood (mine is a British Racing Green Jag XJ-S) that sits for years without turning a wheel, with once vibrant tyres sadly deflated, cracked and slumped into the tarmac.

What Causes Tyres To Degrade Over Time?

So what causes tyres to reach that stage of degradation? Let’s take a look at the construction of a tyre first of all. With the major ingredient obviously being rubber, there are also layers of metallic ‘beading’ that strengthen the walls of the tyre but still allow for a given amount of flex in the compound.

If you’ve ever seen the aftermath of a tyre blowout, you will probably have noticed the splintered ends of the beading protruding from the hole in the tyre, showing that somewhere down the line the compound has failed due to a spike in air pressure from overheating or some form of puncture which has caused the rubber-beading relationship to fail.

What Causes Tyres To Degrade Over Time?

In terms of degradation, we must remember that rubber is an organic material taken from trees and therefore will naturally want to biodegrade. Although the rubber is reinforced and mixed with other polymers to make it suitable to hold high pressure and deal with the load that a car can apply, at its core it is a natural substance that wants to change state after a period of time.

You may notice that as tyres degrade, the compound becomes stiffer and therefore more brittle. Go up to that sleeping classic car and try to kick its tyres; you better be wearing your steel-capped boots. This is due to a process called vulcanisation. Despite sounding like a sci-fi torture method, vulcanisation is a manufacturing process of hardening rubber using sulphur or other ‘accelerators’ which creates further bonding between the molecules that make up the rubber compound, making it suitable for the required loads to be applied across it by adding strength and flexibility.

This is accomplished by heat and pressure at the tyre factory but as the tyre absorbs energy through light, heat and friction over the years, the compound continues to vulcanise over time and amounts to the tyre eventually stiffening to a point where cracks appear.

The vulcanisation of rubber, showing the strengthening polymers
The vulcanisation of rubber, showing the strengthening polymers

Next on the list of degradation causes is oxidisation of the rubber. The combination of oxygen and ozone compromises the strength and flexibility of the rubber, along with the bond between the beading and the rubber compound. The coupling of heat and oxygen results in crosslinking between the rubber polymers which again hardens the compound to a point where the outer edges become brittle and cracked.

The last natural cause of tyre death comes in the form of water. Rubber is deemed as waterproof, but after years of use water can permeate into the tyre, bonding with the metallic areas within the tyre and therefore causing the bond with the surrounding rubber to deteriorate. This will all lead to a lack of heat resistance and strength within the compound and will ultimately result in a damaged tyre.

What Causes Tyres To Degrade Over Time?

One rookie error that can be seen often is the semi-kerbed tyre, where a wheel has been forced into a kerb during parking and left overly-pressurised by the invading pavement. This decrease in volume of the tyre will lead to an increase in the air pressure within the tyre walls. This leads to enhanced oxidisation and force the compressed air to seek out the weaknesses within the rubber compound from general degradation, resulting in an accelerated rate of deterioration.

Another forced affliction on tyres can be over or under pressurising. Tyres lacking in pressure will create large amounts of heat due to an increase in friction from a larger contact patch with the tarmac, eventually leading to tyre wear. Over-pressurised tyres will inflict stress levels onto the metallic beading and tyre walls that the original tyre was not designed for and could potentially lead to dangerous bulges in the side walls and almost inevitably a blow-out down the line.

I probably wouldn't be sitting there if I were you...
I probably wouldn't be sitting there if I were you...

Even if a car is sat stationery or laid dormant on a driveway for years, sheer laziness, ignorance or the attack of nature on a tyre will cause them to degrade with tyre life-expectancy estimated to be around six to ten years from new. Companies like Bridgestone and Pirelli will advise you to change any tyre showing signs of degradation which include cracking in the tyre side walls and cracking within the tread itself, showing areas of weakness in a tyre which could potentially have up to 40 psi barely contained within.

So instead of neglecting the four corners of your car, assess the age of your tyre through the barcoding on the tyre wall (the numbering 1204 would mean the tyre was manufactured in the twelfth week of 2004, and so on) and check the overall condition of the compound, looking for any signs of cracking or bulging. Look after your tyres and they’ll look after you.

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1204 means the tyre is fabricated in the 12th week of the year 2004, not December 2004!!

Please double check the info you are putting up! Otherwise, a very clean and comprehensive piece of info.

05/22/2016 - 00:42 |
22 | 0

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Also under pressurized tires heat up due to increased deformation while moving not due to the increased contact patch :).

05/22/2016 - 22:26 |
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I had some 15 year old tires on my 2002 that had new treads on them but had aged to the point where they had no grip, thankfully I’ve since upgraded to some band new, wider stickier rubber

05/22/2016 - 01:10 |
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The numbering 1204 would mean the tire was made the 12th week of 2004. Not December.

05/22/2016 - 01:34 |
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05/22/2016 - 06:27 |
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What Causes Tyres To Degrade Over Time? - Time

05/22/2016 - 13:00 |
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I actually changed a blown 11years old tire yesterday, the steel belt ripped from the center of the tire , it was actually still inflated but there was 12inch long “cut” in the tire with steel bits out and a big bump in the treads…I think this guy was lucky to not have a cheap branded tire, it stayed inflated thus not loosing control

05/22/2016 - 13:59 |
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Tires are NOT biodegradable nor have a tendency to it,it just does not happen,otherwise there wouldn’t be landfills full of ‘em
I mean,paper comes from trees too,is it biodegradable aswell?

05/22/2016 - 19:00 |
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Yes actually… But you’re right about tires.

05/24/2016 - 02:37 |
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Good article but did you have to put the worst quality pictures you could find in the article?

05/22/2016 - 21:21 |
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Close. Although it could be different in the EU/UK, in the US the last four DOT numbers are week of the year and year. 1216 is the manufacturing date for the twelfth week of 2016. If the last numbers are 169, that would be the sixteenth week of 1999.

05/23/2016 - 00:45 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Not different in the UK nor the EU. Same system - first two digits refer to the week, and second two to the year.

05/27/2019 - 07:55 |
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Wow a long and meaningful article about tyres, I guess youre tired after writing this….. Yeah I’ll show myself out

05/23/2016 - 07:30 |
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