What I Love And Hate About 'Proper' Motorcycling

I recently passed my motorbike license, meaning that I now have my big boy pants on and a whole world to discover on two wheels. Here are my findings...
What I Love And Hate About 'Proper' Motorcycling

A few weeks ago, I acquired my motorbike license thanks to the Honda School Of Motorcycling.

For those of you who don’t know the format, passing the license comprises four parts: the theory, then the CBT (aka Compulsory Basic Training that means you can ride bikes up to 125cc), which is followed by a low-speed test (Mod 1) to ensure you can U-Turn, avoid obstacles and emergency brake. After this, test number four (Mod 2) takes you out on the road, where an examiner watches your every move to make sure you’re competent in real-world conditions. Convince him, and you’re all set!

Getting a full motorbike license, then, demands a lot of time, dedication and money, which is why biker numbers are declining and why the average age of a rider is over 50.

What I Love And Hate About 'Proper' Motorcycling

Which is disappointing but not surprising; after all, people these days are lazier than ever, insurance, tax and fuel prices are exorbitant, and with Uber et al meaning that we can move around most cities relatively cheaply, who really needs personal transportation?

To that I say it’s not about need, then, rather more about want. I don’t need a V6 for my MX-5, I wanted one, just like I didn’t really need a motorbike. But now that I have one - this stunning Honda CB650R - my life has become far more streamlined, a lot less frustrating and hugely more enjoyable.

So after only a few weeks as a bona fide biker, here are a few of the things I love and hate about life on two wheels…

Love: time saved and fun commuting

What I Love And Hate About 'Proper' Motorcycling

I’ve spoken before about all the time I save commuting on two wheels, and the figure still stands at 11 full days a year versus buses and trains.

What’s more, I get to ride on proper, three-lane motorways now (the CBT that gets you on bikes and mopeds up to 125cc doesn’t allow this), meaning that the potential time savings are even greater, especially on the delight that is the M25.

For me, though, one of the biggest pluses about riding is that it’s a lot of fun. Accelerating up to speed on my CB650R is always a blast, and the engine and exhaust noise never fail to make me smile.

Hate: most car drivers have no empathy

What I Love And Hate About 'Proper' Motorcycling

Being new to biking, I’m still getting my head around the fact that many car drivers see motorbike riders as a completely different species. And because they’ve probably never been on a bike, they have zero empathy for riders while tailgating three inches from your rear wheel.

So as a reminder to all car drivers: please give motorbike riders a little more consideration, because trust me when I say it gets scary when room for error is snatched away.

Love: the biker nod

What I Love And Hate About 'Proper' Motorcycling

This one’s a small one, but I got my first nod from a fellow big biker the other day, and I can’t tell you how happy that made me.

So to the man on the A404 Westway heading out of London recently, thank you for nodding at the short bloke with the Anime-inspired helmet. Your little gesture gave me a massive sense of acceptance and made my day!

Hate: I see and smell bad behaviour

What I Love And Hate About 'Proper' Motorcycling

If you thought you saw a lot of people on their mobile phones while driving a car, you won’t believe how many I see on a motorbike. On any given day, I spot more than 20 distracted drivers while filtering through slow-moving traffic and general riding. In fact, I’m considering a career change to become a motorbike cop with a ticketing machine, because I reckon I’d be able to retire after 20 minutes.

On top of mobile phone usage, the other thing that I never knew was so prevalent was smoking weed behind the wheel. Seriously, I smell it all the time, so again, motorbike cops must have a field day with idiots like these.

Love: heated grips

What I Love And Hate About 'Proper' Motorcycling

Yup, the CB650R I’ve been loaned by Honda for a few months has the option of heated grips, something I never knew was a thing on motorbikes; simply push a button on the handlebar and the grips heat up in seconds, saving your hands (albeit only one side of them) from freezing over in the winter.

Hate: I can't 'flat foot'

What I Love And Hate About 'Proper' Motorcycling

I’m unsure if anyone’s noticed, but I’m actually quite short. In fact, I’m five foot seven inches (1.7m) first thing in the morning which, in real-world terms, is a blessing and a curse.

I say blessing because it means that I can fit into any car I like, and I get to shop at GapKids, while the disadvantages include growing up with trousers that were always cut at the bottom and sewn up by my mum to make them look OEM.

In the biking world, short legs mean I’m unable to ‘flat foot’ which is the ability to put your feet flat on the ground when stationary. Because of this, I lose around 50 per cent of surface area with the ground, which reduces grip and makes it easier for me to slip and drop the bike.

If high heels for men ever become fashionable, count me in!

In summary...

What I Love And Hate About 'Proper' Motorcycling

I know I’m only a few weeks into ‘proper’ riding, but I’ve thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the CB650R, have loved getting more stuck into the biking world (I even went to a Triumph UK launch the other day), and can’t wait to go on some proper adventures.

And at the risk of sounding like a broken record, anyone toying with the idea of getting on two wheels, I say go for it. Acquiring my license is the best decision I made this year, and I’m confident you’ll love it too.

Especially if you’re taller than a child…

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It’s strange though what you’re writing about young people not bothering to get a license. When I was 18 (in the netherlands) it was way simpler to get a full license (automatically after 2 years of having your reduced license), and me and a mate were about the only people we knew that got one at that age. In university, I was one of maybe 6 in the department and one of 2 that drove daily. A few years later with the multiple licenses system and I see lots of young guys getting a license and driving the full year. University parking was packed with motorcycles, while it used to be half empty. Lots of tiny bikes to. Maybe that is still to happen in the UK?

12/28/2019 - 10:05 |
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Not to be that guy, but you say in the first major paragraph “After this, test number four (Mod 2) takes you out on the road, where an examiner watches your every move to make sure you’re competent in real-world conditions. Convince him, and you’re all set!”

Him. Convince “him”. 2020 now, got to be a bit more inclusive. “them” would be amazing.

If you’re not sure what I’m blathering on about, check out this James Acaster video where he comprehensively covers the situation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_xVAqJ-NY0

And it does matter. It 100% does matter. I hate to be that guy to nitpick the first paragraph of a post, but this stuff should be caught at the edit really.

01/01/2020 - 22:14 |
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Brilliant article - well worth the read!
Wishing you many happy biking miles - and looking forward to more stories!

01/02/2020 - 05:45 |
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Martin Brennan

I’m also a recently new rider and absolutely love it! The only downside at this time of year is the cold and being sprayed with salt, but otherwise its an absolute blast!

01/02/2020 - 07:42 |
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Hello everyone I am giving a testimony on how I joined the illuminati brotherhood, I was trying to join this organization for so many years now,I was scammed by fake agents in south Africa and Nigeria,I was down,I could not feed my self and my family anymore and I tried to make money by all miss but all invail, I was afraid to contact any illuminati agent because they have eat my money,One day I come across a post of someone giving a testimony, thanking a man called Berry ROYMOND of being helping him to join the illuminati brotherhood, then I look at the man phone number that was written there, it was a nigeria number I was afraid to contact him because a nigerian agent took my $2000 and go away with the money then I was very tired, confused and I decided to contact the person that was given the testimony and i called him and I communicated with him on phone calls before he started telling me his own story about when he wanted to join, he told me everything to do, then I made up my mind and called the agent called Berry ROYMOND and he told me everything to do, and I was initiated, surprisingly I was given my benefit of being a new member of the great illuminati brotherhood I was so happy, For those of you trying to join this organization this is your opportunity for you to join CONTACT BERRY ROYMOND call (+2348035784085)

01/12/2020 - 22:17 |
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I honestly am so envious of people who are able to ride motorcycles of their choice. My parents still think two-wheelers are death machines (ironically, I’m stuck with a CVT scooter for commuting to college), and decent motorcycles are so expensive here in India. Not to mention that my parents are partially right, because most drivers/riders here are some of the most inept in the world (I’m not exaggerating), putting other rule-abiding safe drivers and riders at a huge risk.

01/16/2020 - 13:48 |
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Callum 8

I never knew that bikes can have heated grips! That’s pretty cool

01/17/2020 - 00:58 |
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Gray 1

I always read his posts in his voice-
Also, I can’t wait to hear more about your moto adventures!

02/28/2020 - 08:28 |
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