What It's Like To Be Married To A Fellow Petrolhead

Petrolhead marriages fall outside the normal expectations. You relate to Dom and Letty, while your friends and family don't understand why “you two are always doing something with cars”
What It's Like To Be Married To A Fellow Petrolhead

1. Holidays are for car jewellery

What It's Like To Be Married To A Fellow Petrolhead

You’re chatting with your friends about what to get your wife for Valentine’s Day. They’re yakking about jewellery and chocolates and roses, but you mention the mud flaps she’s been eyeballing for months. Your friends exclaim how easy you have it. Being married to a fellow petrolhead means your wife would rather have car parts than jewellery for any holiday.

2. Whose car are we taking?

What It's Like To Be Married To A Fellow Petrolhead

This question is asked almost daily in every married petrolhead’s house. However, it can be a positive or a negative context depending upon two very different scenarios. The first scenario involves car events. Almost every time this question is asked the answer is both as you both want to drive/race and show off your cars. The second scenario involves long road trips. Within this context you fight over whose car has to add on the miles. Either way, this question is a staple when married to a fellow petrolhead.

3. Budgeting: Rent, groceries, car parts

What It's Like To Be Married To A Fellow Petrolhead

Is the rent paid? Yes. Do we have enough food until the next pay day? Yes. Okay, so how much do we have left for gas and car parts this month, and is it enough for that new intake?

No matter how long you have been married to a fellow petrolhead, this conversation never changes. There are constant lists of car parts per car, arguments over which car gets/needs/wants parts next, and it sometimes even warrants opening up another account at your bank specifically for car money.

4. Social media shares

What It's Like To Be Married To A Fellow Petrolhead

You know you’re married to a fellow petrolhead when you send each other social media posts of things you find on Car Throttle in the same way other people share pictures of their babies.

Not to mention the sharing of weather reports, because you need to know if there’s going to be the perfect sunshine-to-cloud ratio to wash your cars.

5. Domestic priorities

What It's Like To Be Married To A Fellow Petrolhead

Along with the weather report, if you’re married to a fellow petrolhead they’ll understand that washing your car takes priority over washing the dishes. Oh, and your coffee table is permanently littered with car magazines …

6. Parking Lot Chaos

What It's Like To Be Married To A Fellow Petrolhead

Like most drivers you care where you park your car, but typically petrolheads have opposite attitudes to how close you park to the building. If it’s pouring with rain, your petrolhead partner doesn’t even question why you parked in the rear of the parking lot. Door dings are the worst.

7. Red light encouragement

What It's Like To Be Married To A Fellow Petrolhead

When your fellow petrolhead is sitting shotgun, they’ll not only point out other sweet cars on the road, but they’ll also check out the car next to you at a red light, encourage you to beat them off the line, and help look ahead for gaps in traffic. They’re like your own personal co-driver in life.

8. You have Christmas multiple times a year

What It's Like To Be Married To A Fellow Petrolhead

Only when you’re married to a fellow petrolhead will your significant other comprehend the joy of Christmas you feel inside when you see that delivery truck pull up outside your home. If you’re lucky, they’ll also join you in a celebratory jig.

9. Car-cations, not vacations

What It's Like To Be Married To A Fellow Petrolhead

Practically all vacations and weekends are planned with your cars – car meets, races and driving experiences all take preference over nice beaches and busy nightlife.

10. Wanna Race?

What It's Like To Be Married To A Fellow Petrolhead

One of the best reasons to be married to a fellow petrolhead though, is that they’ll rev at you and race you anytime, anywhere… and they’ll still love you when you beat them.

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