Which Car Surprised You Most When You Saw It For The First Time?

Following the reveal of the intense 800hp+ Aston Martin Vulcan this morning, I wondered if there's been any other car in recent history that has surprised me so much upon first viewing
Which Car Surprised You Most When You Saw It For The First Time?

When I first saw the press release for the new Aston Martin Vulcan last night, I remember the first two words that popped into my head. The first word was ‘holy’ and the second word rhymed with the name of a bird that you often eat in a Chinese restaurant with hoisin sauce and pancakes.

I mean, look at that face. The nose is pinched, the headlights are tiny and angular and it’s got the mouth of a bottom-feeder. No way is this an Aston Martin, I thought. But, low and behold, this really was a new Aston, albeit a track-only special with 800hp+, limited availability and a price tag in excess of £1.5m.

Which Car Surprised You Most When You Saw It For The First Time?

This is by far the most surprising car I’ve seen in recent times. Sure, I already knew there’d be a big wing, sexy new angles and massive power, but for a company like Aston to deviate so far from its design language was a huge shock. I mean, we haven’t really seen a truly new Aston (except for the One-77 hypercar) in years, just rehashes of existing cars with the letter ‘S’ added.

Some of you have already taken to Photoshop to 'fix' the Vulcan
Some of you have already taken to Photoshop to 'fix' the Vulcan

Looking at the comments in the Vulcan news story, some of you are already trying to fix the supercar’s front-end with brilliantly amateur Photoshop efforts (I mean that in the nicest possible way). This tells me that you’re all probably as shocked as I was.

But is it the car that surprised you most (like it did me) when you saw it for the first time, or is there another car that deserves that title?

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