Why The Next Two Months Are The Best For Drivers

Summer is great for driving, but the months that are coming up right now are even better - and here's why
Why The Next Two Months Are The Best For Drivers

I’m going to stick my neck out and say that September and October are the best months of the year for drivers like us – at least in the northern hemisphere.

The obvious thought is that summer is the best time to be a car guy. Daylight arrives sooner, giving you lighter, quieter roads, and the best likelihood of sunshine and dry asphalt. But summer is a bit characterless, as seasons go. Trees and undergrowth are flat green; not that lush bright green of Spring before it or the kaleidoscope of Autumn (Fall) colours that come after.

In the last few years Spring in the UK, and maybe in other countries too, seems to be clinging onto the annoyingly low temperatures and regular rainfall of Winter, before stopping for a couple of pretty sweet weeks sometime in April or May. Spring is hit-and-miss, with too much miss.

Why The Next Two Months Are The Best For Drivers

But September and October are absolutely awesome months to drive in. Not only do you get the afterglow of summer, where temperatures have dropped to a perfect level but the sun still shines often enough, but you also get atmosphere.

At this time of year you get more colour in the light through the sunrise and sunset, and they’re at civilised times of day. That makes it so much easier to enjoy them: grab your keys before dawn, hit the road as the sky starts to get light and bask in the absolute glory of a stunning daybreak streaming through your windows as your exhaust noise fills that little corner of the world with the song of your people.

Then, when you stop for a minute, it’s peak season for photo potential. This one (below) isn’t the best, but it’s what you like that counts.

One of the best drives I ever had involved a pre-dawn start in September. My brother, his mate Andy and I all had Renault Sport Clio 182s, at the time. Mine was a standard car in Black Gold; my brother’s was Titanium (silver) with the Cup chassis and Andy’s was a beautiful Capsicum Red Trophy.

We left for the English Peak District at about 5am one Sunday morning, and as the sun began to set the landscape ablaze with colour the three of us were in convoy, absolutely flat-out along a winding pass near Buxton, safe in the knowledge that whoever was leading and however hard they were attacking, those following could keep up. God damn, it was fun. We were home in time for a late breakfast of bacon sandwiches, and it was a morning I’ll never forget.

Why The Next Two Months Are The Best For Drivers

Would it have been the same in summer? Maybe the drive itself would have been, but the atmosphere wouldn’t have. The colourful landscape, the fiery sunrise, the long shadows that seemed to last forever, the cool air when we stopped for a break – Autumn is the finest time of year to drive. By the time the weather turns towards the end of October and the rains slide in to stay, make sure you’ve banked some new memories.

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But here in India all the 12 months are the Worst

09/03/2017 - 07:24 |
143 | 4
Nishant Dash

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Lmao 😂😂

09/03/2017 - 08:07 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Same here in the philippines :(

09/03/2017 - 08:08 |
2 | 1

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Boi not here tho

09/03/2017 - 08:13 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Yup, especially the rains, when there is standing water and puddles all over the place..

09/03/2017 - 08:40 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Same here in Indonesia

09/04/2017 - 10:44 |
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Olivier (CT's grammar commie)

And during this time, in October in Canada

09/03/2017 - 07:31 |
40 | 0

From last winter in southern california

09/03/2017 - 07:41 |
23 | 1

In reply to by Gear

ayeee California, home to many great driving roads, awesome car culture, and many publications…

09/04/2017 - 05:41 |
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Coyote 1

In reply to by Gear

This is why I’m moving to Cali after college. It’s so beautiful!

09/05/2017 - 06:41 |
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Australia: Bloody hot in Summer, Freezing in Winter.

09/03/2017 - 07:43 |
12 | 0

Australia is bloody hot all year

09/03/2017 - 07:57 |
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Summer is A/C weather (forgetting about EVERYTHING on a car burning you), winter is heater weather (but brilliant for engine temperatures, intermediate months are the best

09/03/2017 - 13:46 |
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The Silver Paseo EL54

Don’t forget the cool morning air that gives you more efficient combustion ;)

09/03/2017 - 07:49 |
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In Canada cool morning air’s so cold it makes engines unstartable

09/03/2017 - 15:16 |
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Agreed👌🏻 also the schools go back so there is less caravans on the roads at the weekends! But sometimes since I stay in Scotland we just get rain every weekend 😂😂😂

09/03/2017 - 08:18 |
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But for me, winter will be the best time to drive. Why? I BECOME OLD ENOUGH TO LEARN!!!

09/03/2017 - 08:46 |
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Sean C

To be fair you can drive roads like this in the summer in Wales. It’s only because it rains for 364 days a year

09/03/2017 - 10:39 |
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Try the a4069

09/03/2017 - 10:40 |
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I agree I love fall myself, also where I am summer tends to be hot and humid so you are always driving with A/C on and windows closed so you don’t get to hear your exhaust nearly as much.

09/03/2017 - 11:24 |
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For me the main worry going into autumn months is increased animal migration. Most twisty roads here are in the woods and no matter if I go for a drive very late in the night or early before dawn, I know there will be animals crossing the road sooner or later. Other than that, I agree to all the mentioned arguments for driving in early autumn

09/03/2017 - 11:27 |
1 | 0

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