This Is Why You Don't Pull U-Turns Near Corners
You’re on a mountain road and you’ve maybe gone the wrong way, or you just missed a great rest point that you want to go back to. Where’s the best place to make your U-turn? Not where this guy does it, that’s for damn sure.
In the short clip filmed on a chest-mounted GoPro, three bikers are enjoying the fruits of road builders’ efforts when they round a corner to find a Chevrolet Malibu blocking both lanes of the road. As the camera bike rounds the bend, we can see one bike having just avoided the car’s bonnet as it’s blocking the way.
Then, as the camera-wearing rider skirts the bonnet as well, his companion on a separate bike is forced into an emergency stoppie, bringing him to a halt inches from the Malibu’s door, yelling the almost comic curse of “Christ almighty!”

Bearing in mind the large parking area at the other side of the road it seems likely that the Malibu swung wide around from the opposite direction and made the turn, but there’s nowhere near enough visibility to make it safe. We’re a little hazy on the legality of this manoeuvre in the US, and it could even depend on exactly where this takes place, so shout out if you think you know.
The bikers don’t seem to be going that quickly, considering that GoPros make everything look faster, so we’re not blaming them too much (apart from riding without proper safety gear). Luckily no one was hurt, but then again we don’t know what went on after the clip ends…
What an idiot.Do a handbrake turn like every normal guy
Well, that is an incredibly stupid place to turn around, but if the bikers can’t stop for an obstruction in the road then they are going too fast.
Sadly true. Everyone should be driving to their limits of braking, however, very very few people actually ever do that
He was right behind the corner, the bikers are not to blame at all , weren’t even going too fast.
No possible way it would be the bikers fault unless he was speeding, which he obviously wasn’t. In that case if someone pulls out infront of you illegally, and you hit them, you was going too fast because you didn’t stop in time
I am so glad, that no one was injured. Drivers like this, give us a bad name. It’s a shame that so many people who shoukd not be driving are given a license, yet we are the ones who have to suffer.
He doesn’t “give us a bad name.” He’s in a Malibu, probably not an enthusiast. Yes, he should have gotten his license taken away for that.
Well said
On the same token it is bad practice to drive fast into a blind corner!!!!!!
Downvoted for telling the truth.
What happens if it was a broken down car there? You drive to what you can see. Rule number #1 of fast driving on the road if you don’t want to kill someone.
I feel that on CT, no matter how stupid the driver is, people are always going to find a way to put the blame on the rider.
That would be on account of it still being the riders fault even if what the driver was doing was dumb.
Bikers are among the most hated on the road, nearly topping BMW Drivers…
I guess may be a few bad biker individuals gave all the bikers bad names of being a d*ck on the road. I’ve seen a few riders who ride as if they have more rights on the road. While me just cruising through traffic, trying to get away from other people.
There’s a double centre line. What that driver did is not just stupid, but completely illegal.
Wannabe Peugeot driver XD
Why the hell was he doing a u turn in the middle of the road? There is a diet lot right next to the road for that reason!
Yes what the car was doing was wrong. but any crash would have been the bikers fault. That could have been any sort of hazard, a downed tree or anything. Biker was simply going too fast - wasn’t driving line of sight. If you can’t stop before the limit of your visibility - you can’t blame the hazard you can’t stop for.