The World's Most Disgusting Man Gets Floored By The World's Most Patient Biker

This video has everything: a hateful little male driver with no respect for anyone but himself, and a patient biker who tells him that he's driving like a douchebag. Then, he sees red and floors the oxygen thief...

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David Böhm-Vrana

i would’ve the same way, but to be honest, the biker was racing up and down a field, he doesn’t really have the right to complain about someone else’ speeding

06/20/2016 - 15:36 |
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Camille Cheval

The two guys are dumbass, why would you argue with a guy like this? And why would you tell him that he is driving too fast at the first place? Americans love to show to others what they are doing wrong…

06/20/2016 - 18:02 |
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Wow, i shared this way before anyone else did on carthrottle, too bad people only pay attention to the “big” people of Carthrottle.

06/20/2016 - 19:29 |
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the first scene i saw the car-driver.. immediately one word came into my head ; RICER

06/20/2016 - 20:41 |
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Only one with any brain was the girl, telling the biker to get on and leave.

06/20/2016 - 21:12 |
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Bikers just as bad as the dude. Why instigate trouble

06/20/2016 - 23:59 |
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They’re brothers

06/21/2016 - 02:54 |
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The World's Most Disgusting Man Gets Floored By The World's Most Patient Biker

Stupid mexicans, always doing as they please without any respect for anyone. They always “solve” problems by hurling insults and fighting. And when the situation turns against them, they are always whining and playing the victim. Shame on them! And that’s too bad because I have a few mexican friends and they are really nice people. Too bad many don’t understand the concept of respect. I don’t justify it at all, but it’s no wonder they are discriminated and people are sometimes wary of them.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not defending the biker at all. He was a big idiot ass too. He could have simply let it go and nothing would’ve happened, but no, he had to go looking for trouble. The only smart one was the girl, telling the biker to leave.

06/21/2016 - 04:22 |
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Joseph Le Corre

I would of just walked away and thought about how disgusting he is.

06/21/2016 - 06:21 |
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Heather Dawson

I cant tell if im happy about ths events that unfolded or disgusted with them.

06/21/2016 - 08:38 |
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