Yellow Vauxhall Vandalised After 'Photobombing' Picturesque English Village

After hitting headlines two years ago for apparently 'ruining' countless tourist photos of Arlington Row in the Cotswolds, a yellow Vauxhall Corsa has been vandalised

In 2015, Peter Maddox of Bibury, Gloucestershire found his little yellow Vauxhall Corsa hitting the headlines for an unusual reason. It turned out rather a lot of people on various social media services were voicing their angry opinions about his car ‘ruining’ their view and pictures of the National Trust-owned Arlington Row cottages. Now, Mr Maddox’s car has been vandalised in what looks like a vicious retaliatory attack.

The driver’s side window and rear windscreen have both been smashed, and the word ‘move’ scratched into the bonnet. Presumably by some awful person who hasn’t worked out how to use the content aware fill function on Photoshop yet. Vincent Vega would not be impressed with such behaviour…

According to BBC News, the Arlington Row buildings are among some of the most photographed houses in the UK. They’re even on the the inside cover of UK passports, not that this justifies such a cowardly act of vandalism.

84-year-old Maddox is sticking to his guns, though. He’s said to have the support of the village following the incident, and if the car has to be replaced (the damage is estimated to be around £6000), he’s said he’ll buy a car in lime green.

So, perhaps we can suggest a car for this defiant hero. Maybe an Ultimate Green Ford Focus RS? Or how about a Signal Green BMW M3? We’ll take your suggestions in the comments…

Sources: The Telegraph, BBC News

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Everyone has it all wrong…. He needs this….

02/06/2017 - 22:17 |
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Probably a signal green m3 so at least he will indicate where he’s gonna park next and see if anyone has opinions on where he’s parking

02/06/2017 - 22:17 |
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The car makes the picture look awesome! I am actually going to use this as a wallpaper :D

02/06/2017 - 22:21 |
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“Ruining” Ask photoshop, duh

02/06/2017 - 22:21 |
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I just absolutely loved how you used a Pulp Fiction reference! Thank you!!
I’m going to refrain from typing the lines from that scene (“photographic” memory for movie quotes and such)

02/06/2017 - 22:37 |
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Vauxhall has a beautiful body style, and this car only adds to the view. Had this been Mercedes, Ferrari, Lambo, Alfa, etc. everyone who doesn’t know the difference between neutral and drive would think it is the best picture they’ve ever taken. Such a shame.

02/06/2017 - 22:56 |
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A challenger in the colour “Go Green”. I think that’s a suitable name for the purpose

02/06/2017 - 23:06 |
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Rod Draper
02/06/2017 - 23:19 |
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Anyone interested in an annual colourful car rally? Bit like gumball but brighter, a bit like those japanese people who wear florescent colours. Think we found a fitting “finish line” for it

02/06/2017 - 23:30 |
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The car is actually there on street view :’D,+Cirencester/@51.7586089,-1.8352414,3a,55.4y,310.46h,84.84t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-SOkjMMFFBdo%2FVM50o72n4cI%2FAAAAAAAAGrs%2FRvOC79kc7Kk_ZWDS8fO4DauRUmvoJAzBwCLIB!2e4!3e11!!7i9728!8i4864!4m5!3m4!1s0x48713c0f0f8c3f59:0xf2cbb2d020e0df9e!8m2!3d51.7588076!4d-1.8307755!6m1!1e1?hl=en

02/07/2017 - 00:05 |
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