How to Plasti Dip Emblems: Step by Step Guide

Step One: Masking

Ensure that your vehicle is clean and dry, parked in the shade so that it is cool to the touch. Mask the area around the emblem(s) that you are changing the colour of, to prevent over spray. Make sure to leave approximately one inch of exposed paint around the area to help with later steps.

Step Two: Coating

For each emblem, four to five light coats is recommended. I started with one coat on a downwards angle, and then let dry for fifteen minutes. I did an upward angle coat, and waited another fifteen minutes. A right and then left angle coat came next, both with fifteen minute wait times again. I finished with a head on coat, with no angle to ensure properly full and even coverage.

Step Three: Drying Time

After the final coat, wait approximately thirty minutes for the plasti dip to be dry to the touch. The time will vary based on number and thickness of coats, as well as environmental factors such as temperature and humidity.

Step Four: Remove Masking

After ensuring that the surface area is dry to the touch, remove your surrounding masking tape. Try not to peel the Plasti Dip too much, but don’t worry if you do a little bit.

Step Five: Remove Excess

Using the inch of extra area that was left around the area, start by peeling at the edges where the masking tape was while keeping your angle of removal closely parallel to the body. To remove small pieces inside of closed loops such as my “O” emblem, I used a wooden toothpick. Never touch the paint with the wood, only the Plasti Dip. Take your time and have patience, a break may be needed in between.

Step Six: Finish

Ensure that their is no residual adhesive left from your painter’s tape. If there is any over mist from the Plasti Dip, it can easily be wiped off with a clean microfiber cloth. Be careful not to touch the emblem(s) as much as possible, as it may take a few hours to fully cure. After that you are done, and can enjoy your newly enhanced logos!

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Sick tutorial! Now, what am I gonna do with this newfound information?

08/29/2017 - 17:00 |
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Michael R. T. Jensen

In reply to by [Flux]

Plasti Dip your emblems?

08/29/2017 - 17:02 |
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Michael R. T. Jensen


08/29/2017 - 17:05 |
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Michael R. T. Jensen


08/29/2017 - 17:06 |
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Michael R. T. Jensen

Bill A_92

08/29/2017 - 17:06 |
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