Everything Wrong With FM7...

I didn’t intend to make this originally until I became completely frustrated with nearly every aspect of FM7. I might add more things to this botched list later, idk

First I’m gonna start off by saying that the Forza 7 garage is too damn dark, when i’m trying to apply rims to a car and I can barely see the wheel it really sets me off. Same thing goes for making a paintjob, putting the paint area in a cloudy environment is idiotic.
In previous Forza Motorsport games you were able to change the garage environment to a slightly brighter area but I have yet to find that feature on FM7. If there is one please tell me.

The second and one of the most important things I would like to point out is that the garage menus are catastrophically broken. Sometimes it will scramble the car preview photos or what brand they are from and will usually become insanely choppy because of how poorly the game can load things.
Also on the same topic as the menus being broken, lots of cars don’t even have correct little preview photos. For example, yesterday when I selected a Ford Fiesta the game displayed it as a Shelby GT350R. Talk about cutting corners.

Next thing I want to talk about is the pig pen we call multiplayer. Somehow the menus are even more broken here, you almost can’t select your car in the one minute time limit before the race starts. At that point the menu has nearly loaded a good half of the cars in your garage so don’t expect to be changing your car anytime soon.
On top of the multiplayer garage being broke, everything else is too, In just 10 minutes of using multiplayer I had the menu freeze up multiple times and surprisingly it had also zoomed the menu in 10000%. I asked around and it turns out these types of things are pretty common in FM7.

Next point on the list is that Turn 10 ruined the multiplayer hopper system. Popular lobbies like the drag racing lobbies were removed and replaced by lobbies nobody plays such as endurance ones. This is all due to Turn 10 deciding to rotate which lobbies we get every once in awhile because this is their idea of fun. Due to this a good portion of the 700+ cars featured in FM7 will never be able to be used online. In my opinion they should scrap this idea and give us full choice to which lobbies we can choose.

Now this point is very important,

Throughout all the Motorsport games I’ve played I have never seen such catastrophic understeer, the cars wallow around the track like a drunk hippopotamus. Even the slightest touch of the brake in a corner will send you skating into a wall.
Recently I had a 787b understeer into a wall while it was only going 40mph. Unbelievable

Another thing that really grinds my gears is that as far as I know we still don’t have an option to tune our cars in a multiplayer lobby. Heck the players have been asking for a feature like this for as long as I can remember and come Forza 7 it still isn’t here. Surprise Surprise
Turn 10 also never listened to our plea to have slammable cars and crazy camber. Something like this would be so simple to do yet we are being deprived of them.
Heck i would even be happy with a steering lock adjustment, if modders can do it so easily then I dont understand why it can’t be featured in at least one Motorsport game.

I would like to talk about persistent split screen issues as well, there has always been an issue where Player 1 loses all tire effects once they get “out of range” of Player 2. Can’t understand why this isn”t fixed yet.
Also even on the more powerful systems like the One X, there is still no ability to change weather or time of day in splitscreen which boggles the mind. Furthermore you can’t set up a few ai to race in splitscreen either.

Next topic on the worlds most scrambled list is the AI, now unlike most people I wont talk about how they always push you off the track and shove you into walls, I want to talk about how they STILL don’t take simulation damage. AI still not taking sim damage virtually renders the feature redundant. No point in racing against a bunch of goons who wont bat an eye at jamming you every chance they get and you are the only one taking damage. Its even more so redundant because you no longer receive bonuses based on the assists you have enabled.

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DriftMaster 1

The price of cars is MADLY OVERPRICED
90K FOR A G35?!???!
Turn 10 needs to improve

01/02/2018 - 22:43 |
7 | 1

Yeah, many vehicles on the lower to mid range have some inflated prices. Then again, the usually most expensive cars (F1 GT to the 250 GTO) are capped at around 1mil or alittle more compared to the 5-10mil on Horizon 3 or idk, 20mil on Forza 4 or so

01/03/2018 - 01:10 |
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Floating Paradise

There’s still drag racing hoppers… But I do see what your saying about the understeer there is a hell of a lot of understeer especially in some AWD cars which sometimes makes certain cars undrivable, the AI are a pain in the ass even after turning on reduce aggression there’s still tons of bull crap that happens. One thing though I’m not having troubles with menus or loading screens, sometimes the odd stutter when going through the garage but other than that it’s ok

01/02/2018 - 23:08 |
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Deadpool (Cam's much sexier twin) (Official Demon Fangirl)

I’m really glad I didn’t buy FM7, in sure the problems would only be worse on my normal Xbox

01/03/2018 - 02:26 |
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I personally hate the “Tier” system i cant buy any car i actually want instead i have to resort to buying things i don’t want that is like going to a Chevy dealer and saying I want a Corvette sure, but first you need to buy a sonic and a Camaro I guess what im saying is just let us play the game without all these complicated things

01/03/2018 - 05:02 |
5 | 0

I agree with everything especially that stupid garage. Also they need to implement an AI difficulty slider like in F1 2017 because the AI is either too hard or too easy

01/03/2018 - 08:39 |
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Griffin Mackenzie

In reply to by Oogway

Yeah honestly, majority of the time for me there will be a single ai that will be much faster than everyone else and if I let him get ahead at the start I will never be able to push him off the track and win

01/03/2018 - 10:01 |
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⫷Mr N.F.S⫸

All those points.


And don’t forget the Cars packs full of useless SUV’S :(

01/03/2018 - 13:07 |
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Call it “Team 10” if its soooooo bad.

Here come the triggered Jake Paulers

01/03/2018 - 17:12 |
4 | 0

When did dodge get so co friendly

01/19/2018 - 05:20 |
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*eco friendly

01/19/2018 - 05:24 |
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Aero (Animal Crossing man)

That’s why I skipped out on Forza this year and bought Project Ca… wait that’s not much better, isn’t it.

02/08/2018 - 15:35 |
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Lmfao nope

02/08/2018 - 15:38 |
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