Bad news for classic cars in Greece

Since the last ministerial decision for classics, cars with special classic car number plates couldn’t go anywhere except for classic car events. This strict decision was taken because of many people taking advantage of the low cost of such number plates and using them for their every day and not so ‘classic’ vehicles. Owners were waiting for ages for a new more fair decision till a new one was published some weeks ago.

The new ministerial decision pauses all classic car events for cars made after 1969 (the majority of classics taking part in events) in order to reinspect them. Now, classics with special classic car number plates or even the ones with standard registration plates can’t participate, with the first ones not being able to move till they get checked. This inspection will probably take months to finish since such procedures in Greece take too long. We all hope that this decision is going to change soon.

The good news is that some clubs already organise events and I came across a classic car convoy the other day. They might have found a loophole since such a decision goes against international ones.

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I know they do it for a good cause but I can’t help to see it as a very unfair decision, I hope they come up with a better solution quickly

03/05/2019 - 21:15 |
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03/05/2019 - 22:17 |
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Simone Mascia

That really sucks
Hope for you car guys in Greece the situation will solve

03/07/2019 - 08:33 |
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Miata Man (Miata Squad)

in texas you can get classic plates wich you can use old plats from the year you car is from, or antique plates wich means you are only supposed do drive to shows. but to get these plates your car needs to be 25 years or older. its a good system.

03/07/2019 - 15:12 |
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Θα επρεπε να γινονται ελεγχοι συνεχεια ωστε να μην υπαρχει τετοιο τεραστιο προβλημα οταν ειναι να γινει ελεγχος σε ΟΛΑ τα ελληνικα κλασσικα αυτοκινητα

03/10/2019 - 17:21 |
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