Top 5 most overrated cars on CT

5: Dodge demon

I don’t know what had more craze, this or the Supra before it was “rumored” to be automatic (yep still emphasizing the rumored part) before I go on a rant about about the Supra and it’s rumors let’s get back to the topic, the demon is Impressive non the less but the hype just feels unjustified. Yes, 9 second 1/4 mile stock is a achievement, but where are you going to race it at? Oh yah, that one track Hennessy has let people drive their demons. That’s 1 out of the hundreds of drag strips across the US cause it’s too fast without proper safety equipment. I don’t blame the NHRA for banning the car for safety purposes, but for some the Hennessy facility may not be close enough to justify the drive. That brings me to another point, yes an impressive 1/4 mile time but what about it’s road course track times? Ok enough time talk let’s get to the real reason you normally buy a car. Is it practical? Price tag $80,000 USD, 2 door, and unknown fuel economy. Probably shouldn’t be your daily vehicle. Now why am I bringing up if it can daily? Cause that’s what a car is made for when it’s illegal to stretch it’s muscles at a drag strip.

4: The R35 GTR

We all know and love GTR fanboys and it’s time to burst their bubble. The R35 is on life support, it’s getting a little old and it’s time we see the R36. Overall the look is meh, to me (I’ll admit the nismo kit is pretty cool) and it’s heavy. It’s similar-ish price rival the R8 beet it in a drag race and it’s getting kinda dated. I’ll admit $100,000 price tag is pretty good for what your getting but it’s not the best car in the entire world like some say.

3: Supra

Surprised? You shouldn’t be, yes it’s a JDM icon but it’s recent price tag doesn’t justify what your buying. Stock it’s all for the looks cause I believe it’s the best looking 90’s JDM car but what are you getting for its online price tag (remember it’s not in production anymore so you have to hope to find a good price on website sellers) 320 hp for the turbo version and 220 for the NA version. 315 ft-lb of torque for the turbo version and 210 for the NA. Now why am I bringing up two different version, because when it was still being manufactured there where 2 different versions, now a days your mostly looking at the NA version cause turbos are very rare these days. Now let’s compare that to the R35 GTR. 600hp and 510 ft-lb of Torque, plus a 100% chance of knowing what your gonna buy. Now your dream mods are more money out of your pocket so your grand total may be around $40,000-$60,000 maximum with no guarantee of getting the right Supra you want.

2: R34

It’s ridiculous how much people love this car. Why am I so opposed to it, well the RB26 engine is not up to scratch with the 2JZ, it’s banned in the US, and it’s heavier than the Supra. I’d rather buy a Supra then this thing. I’ll make this one quick, it’s just not worth the effort of getting this certified in the US, unless you have A LOT of funding so you can tune the car and pass US tests

1: 787b

Whoa, curve ball. I never said they all had to be street legal did I? First of all it wasn’t banned cause it was too fast as you all said. It was just more reliable then the other cars it faced against. Why else did it not repeat a group C victory after Le Mans? It just isn’t as fast as you all say it just by luck the engineers struck gold with their rotary to make it one of the most reliable cars in the field. It outlasted the other cars in the field, not blitz by everyone. One final remark, the car qualifyed in the lower parts of the group C class on it’s fateful 1991 Le Mans race

I can’t do a overrated list without making a underrated list, stay tuned when I cover the 5 most underrated cars on CT

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I don’t even know why the 787 has so much love and over rated

07/25/2017 - 22:56 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

The main thing to know about the 787B is that Mazda made a conscious decision to reduce power output and make the car slower in order to ensure that it would always be 100% reliable. No rotary racecar has ever had to retire from a race because of engine problems. If Mazda had allowed the engine to run all the way up to the actual redline of 11,000rpm it would have had an additional 200hp, giving it a total of 900hp. That puts it up with some of the most powerful Group C machinery of all time. As is it ran with 700hp which wasn’t very competitive in single lap speed, but made it damn reliable. So there’s your answer. To finish first you first have to finish

07/25/2017 - 23:03 |
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barely anyone talks about the demon here lmao

07/25/2017 - 22:57 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

First month of its announcement I never saw anything that wasn’t demon

07/26/2017 - 00:41 |
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Do some research. The 787B’s reliability wasn’t luck. Mazda could have chosen to run the engine up to an 11,000rpm redline to gain an additional 200hp but made the decision to reduce the power output to 700hp from the possible 900hp in the pursuit of ultimate reliability.

07/25/2017 - 23:05 |
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Still isn’t so fast that it was banned that’s my point. also I said struck gold

07/26/2017 - 00:38 |
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Seth 3

Great post! I agree with all those selections

07/25/2017 - 23:09 |
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Uhhhhhh, ae86,

07/26/2017 - 00:02 |
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Yep realized that a hour after I made it

07/26/2017 - 00:37 |
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If you ask me, it deserves its hype.

07/26/2017 - 16:33 |
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Honda NSX

Did the CT font just change or something

07/26/2017 - 03:59 |
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Jia the Supra Fanboy

Take the 787B off, it did what it needed to do. its sole purpose was to win at le mans
And put an old volvo wagon on, like a 240. Those things get ridiculous amounts of love from ct.

07/26/2017 - 06:39 |
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What it needed to do? Did it win the 1991 endurance championship? It was still entered into group C endurance championship with sub par results.

07/26/2017 - 13:32 |
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TurboToddler (Straight-five)

All these cars did something impressive, just because it earned them a legendary status doesn’t make them overrated. And before you bring die-hard fanboys into this, remember that people throw around that word waaaay too much nowadays

07/26/2017 - 07:28 |
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Everyone here considered the 787 better then it really is
It wasn’t so fast it’s banned
Yes I can bring fanboys into this. Some say these are some of the best cars ever.
Yes, some say they do something impressive but what else have they done? Each of these are 1 hit wonders

07/26/2017 - 13:33 |
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Kiss Shot Acerola Orion Heart Under The Blade

Don’t forget subaru wrx sti

07/26/2017 - 10:03 |
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That’s an underrated car

07/27/2017 - 00:55 |
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The Canadian 🇨🇦(C350 Squad)(Odyssey Squad)(C

Anyone else prefer the r33 to any other gtr (r32 next)

07/27/2017 - 06:25 |
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On a scale from favorite to least favorite, R33, 2000GT-R, R32, 2000GT-R H/T, R34, R35.

07/29/2017 - 13:58 |
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