Pixel Car Racer GT Championship Round 2: Skyline Memorial - The Results!

Ladies and Gentlemen!

The 2nd Round of the PCRGT Championship, which was entirely dedicated to the Nissan Skyline, has just ended!

A total of 10 drivers from 54 different teams took part to the race.

Before diving into the race let’s talk about the drivers and their cars.

Redline Garage

Redline Garage has returned for the 2nd Round.
This time, their lineup consists of a boxy Nissan Skyline RS Turbo (DR30) driven by their mysterious driver, “The Stick“, and a red Nissan Skyline GT-R (BCNR33) V•spec, driven by the garage’s owner HappyGT-FourBoi. Currently, the’re occupiyng the first two places of the Grid, which could be a big advantage for them.

Will they be the winners of this Round? One way to find out!


Previously known as BIG DADDY, EVOlution has also returned for the 2nd Round.
Last time it didn’t go so well for this team, but it will hopefully be different this time.
Their new lineup consists of two identical Nissan Skyline GT-R (BNR32) V•spec IIs, driven by Dante Markis and Christian Shields respectively, occupiying the 3rd and 4th place on the Grid.

Will their two “Godzilla”s bring them the victory they’re aiming for?

Power Peaks Performance

In the previous round, Power Peaks proved to be a highly competitive team with very capable drivers, as proven by the fact that they’re currently classified as the Best Team and that their driver Gerardo Guidozzi is currently the Championship’s Best Driver. Not bad!

This time they brought two identical Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-R (KPGC110) “Kenmeri”s, driven by Gerardo Guidozzi and Gerarda Guidozzi respectively.

Will they be able to replicate last time’s huge success? Only one way to find that out, don’t you think?

A&P Performance

The 2nd Round has brought in a new team!

Although they’ve missed the 1st Round, the guys from A&P Performance have built some of the best tuned cars you can buy, so we can expect them to be very competitive. In 7th Place we have an orange Nissan Skyline GT-R (BNR34) V•spec, driven by Pavel N., and in 8th Place we have a very nice Nissan Skyline 2000 GT-R (KPGC110) “Kenmeri” driven by Alexei K..

Will they prove themselves as worthy racers?

MB Performance

And finally, the last two placest on the Grid are occupied by MB Performance who, despite their good performace at the previous race, have decided that they’ll always start at the end of the Grid.

This time, they’re racing with a red Nissan Skyline RS Turbo (DR30) driven by the previous Round’s winner, Ken’ichi Nakamura, and a yellow Nissan Skyline GT-R (BCNR33) V•spec driven by Enrico Lombardi.

And finally, it’s time to start the race!

The race consists in three laps of the Special Stage Route 5 circuit in Tokyo, Japan.

The drivers are now warming up their cars for the big moment!

The PCRGTC‘s 2nd Round is about to being!





“And the race has started!”

“The racers are approaching the tunnel, which is also a long left-hander. Usually heavier cars show understeer problems in this section, and EVOlution’s R32s are no exception! They’re both understeering badly and have fallen back in 7th and 9th place, while everyone else managed to pass the corner with seemingly no problems.”

“Now they’re coming up to the sharp right corner, where A&P’s Kenmeri makes a surprise move and claims the 2nd place! MB’s Nakamura does the same and is now in 4th place!”

“We are now at the left-hand hairpin, where MB’s Lombardi has managed to take full advantage of his R33’s ATTESA-ETS AWD system and is now in 3rd place, ahead of his teammate Nakamura!
The same can’t be said for Gerardo Guidozzi, who’s accelerated too early and has spun out. He’s now in last place!”

“After the hairpin there’s a right-hand corner that, although not particularly difficult, could have a big impact on the race. Fortunately, it seems that everyone was able to find a good line, except for HappyGT-FourBoi, who’s now in 8th place”

“Now there’s a series of chicanes where the drivers can go full throttle, and after that there’s a short straight. Now there’ a 2nd series of chicanes and Alexey K.’s Kenmeri is not slowing down! He’s approaching to the outside of the 1st chicane at an incredibly high speed! Could his brakes be broken? No, he’s now braking hard! He’s now drifting towards the chicane’s apex and… no way.. HE’S NOW IN 3RD PLACE!!! THE BLUE KENMERI IS IN 3RD PLACE!!! The other drivers couldn’t do anything to stop him!

“They’re approaching the 2nd chicane! It seems that Nakamura didn’t like Alexey’s move and he attacks him using the same move! The attack is more than successful and he’s now in 2nd place, behind The Stick!

“Now there’s a left-hand hairpin and it seems that Nakamura is planning an attack on The Stick, however he’s defending his place very well. Now there’s a couple of sharp right-hand corners that will require the drivers to slow down, followed by a straight. Thanks to the AWD and better aerodynamics, Lombardi’s R33 is getting closer to Markis’s R32, who is still suffering from slight understeer problems.”

“The drivers are approaching the final chicane after that, there’s a right-hand turn, the circuit’s longest straight and the finish line. None of the racers have attempted anything fancy so far, and Lombardi is still glued to Markis’s rear bumper. Hold on! The Stick has overshot the last corner! Nakamura takes full advantage of this and ovrtakes him! Nakamura is now in the lead!”

“We are now entering the long straight, and Lombardi is still drafting the R32. Wait! Now he’s out of the slipstream and he’s overtaken Markis’s R32, Pavel N.’s R34 and Gerarda Guidozzi’s Kenmeri! He’s now in 4th Place!

The 1st Lap’s results are:


10 pts 1. Ken’ichi Nakamura (MB Performance - R30 RS Turbo)
9 pts 2. The Stick (Redline Garage - R30 RS Turbo)
8 pts 3. Alexey K. (A&P Performance - Kenmeri GT-R)
7 pts 4. Enrico Lombardi (MB Performance - R33 GT-R)
6 pts 5. Gerarda Guidozzi (Power Peaks Perf. - Kenmeri GT-R)
5 pts 6. Pavel N. (A&P Performance - R34 GT-R)
4 pts 7. Dante Markis (EVOlution - R32 GT-R)
3 pts 8. HappyGT-FourBoi (Redline Garage - R33 GT-R)
2 pts 9. Christian Shields (EVOlution - R32 GT-R)
1 pt 10. Gerardo Guidozzi (Power Peaks Perf. - Kenmeri GT-R)


17 pts 1. MB Performance
13 pts 2. A&P Performance
12 pts 3. Redline Garage
7 pts 4. Power Peaks Performance
6 pts 5. EVOlution

“Damn, the 1st Lap was intense! We still have two more to go, though!”

“Gerardo Guidozzi seems determined to gain some positions and is drafting the Rs in front of him! He’s now going flat out and he’s already overtaken Shields’s R32, HappyGT-FourBoi’s R33 and Markis’s R32! He’s really determined!”

“They’re now entering the tunnel and Guidozzi has found a really good line, and it shows! He’s now overtaking his teammate’s Kenmeri! Meanwhile, Pavel N.’s R34 has easily overtaken his teammate Alexey K.’s Kenmeri! That was great!”

“The same, however, can’t be said about MB’s Lombardi. Because of his excessive speed at the end of the straight, he’s understeered badly and, because of this, he has fallen back to last place. Not good for MB Performance!”

“We have passed the right-hand corner and we are now approaching to the left hand hairpin. Nakamura is still in the lead, but The Stick is pressuring him hard! He’s entering the hairpin and… HE HAS SPUN OUT!!! He’s now in 7th Place! It seemed MB Performance was going to dominate this race, but unfortunately for them, unless a miracle happens, their chances of victory have dramatically decreased!”

“Following the previous race and the 1st lap’s disappointing outcome, EVOlution’s R32s are now showing signs of determination! In the first two series of chicanes they’ve catched up to Gerarda Guidozzi’s Kenmeri and, in the 2nd hairpin, they’ve easily overtaken her and are now in 5th and 6th place!”

“For the rest of the 2nd Lap, Gerardo Guidozzi has been driving his car at the limit. In the final chicanes he has managed to overtake A&P Performance’s cars and has acheived the 2nd Place”

The 2nd Lap’s results are:


10 pts 1. The Stick (Redline Garage - R30 RS Turbo)
9 pts 2. Gerardo Guidozzi (Power Peaks Perf. - Kenmeri GT-R)
8 pts 3. Pavel N. (A&P Performance - R34 GT-R)
7 pts 4. Alexey K. (A&P Performance - Kenmeri GT-R)
6 pts 5. Dante Markis (EVOlution - R32 GT-R)
5 pts 6. Christian Shields (EVOlution - R32 GT-R)
4 pts 7. Ken’ichi Nakamura (MB Performance - R30 RS Turbo)
3 pts 8. Gerarda Guidozzi (Power Peaks Perf. - Kenmeri GT-R)
2 pts 9. HappyTG-FourBoi (Redline Garage - R33 GT-R)
1 pt 10. Enrico Lombardi (MB Performance - R33 GT-R)


15 pts 1. A&P Performance
12 pts 2. Redline Garage
12 pts 3. Power Peaks Performance
11 pts 4. EVOlution
5 pts 5. MB Performance

“Well, the 2nd Lap has been quite intense too! Let’s see what the Final Lap has to offer!”

“Gerardo Guidozzi’s Kenmeri is being drafted by Pavel N.’s R34, who successfully overtakes him before entering the tunnel! Not only that, the orange R34 also manages to pass The Stick’s R30 in the tunnel! That’s some impressive driving right there!”

“The other drivers are now entering the tunnel. Markis’s R32 is approaching the left-hander at a very high speed and is now braking hard. Will he make it? No, he’s understeering badly! It’s too late! He’s not gonna make it! HE’S CRASHED INTO THE WALL!!! He’s totaled another car and he’s out of the race! No way, that’s the exact same outcome as the previous race! I think EVOlution should really consider hiring another driver…”

“Shields is also facing understeer problems and has unfortunately fallen back to 8th Place! It seems like the guys at EVOlution are just not lucky whatsoever. Meanwhile, the R34 has increased its pace and is now distancing the other cars! From the looks of it, it’s celar that up until now Pavel N. has been holding himself back in order not to overstress his car, but now he’s going all out! He’s not only a good driver, he’s also smart!”

“We are now entering the right-hand turn and Gerardo Guidozzi is preparing to attack The Stick! Is he going to make it? No, The Stick is just too good at defending his position. But wait! Guidozzi’s teammate has successfully overtaken Nakamura and is catching up to HappyGT-FourBoi!”

“The 1st hairpin is coming up! Gerardo Guidozzi is still trying to overtake The Stick’s R30! Is he gonna make it, this time? No, he’s spun out! His attack backfired and he is now being overtaken by the other drivers, including his own teammate, who is now in 5th Place, and has fallen back to 7th Place! Today’s race hasn’t been particularly impressive for Power Peaks so far.”

“The drivers are entering the 1st series of chicanes! Power Peaks’ Kenmeri is getting even closer to Redline’s R33! Meanwhile MB’s Lombardi is going all out and has successfully overtaken Shields and Gerardo Guidozzi, meaning he’s now in 6th Place!”

“In the 2nd series of chicanes Guidozzi’s Kenmeri is still pretty much glued to HappyGT-FourBoi’s R33, waiting for the perfect chance to overtake him. They’re now entering the 2nd hairpin and the R33 is going wide! The Kenmeri easily passes the GT-R on the inside! She’s now in 3rd Place, behind The Stick!”

“In the two consecutive right-handers the R34 further increases the gap from the other cars! Now the gap between the R34 and The Stick’s R30 is huge! Unless something bad happens, Pavel N. is definitely gonna win this race!”

“We are now approaching the 3rd and last series of chicanes! Guidozzi is right behind The Stick, waiting for another chance to overtake him! Is he gonna do it in the 1st chicane? No. Is she doing it in the 2nd chicane? Nope, she’s still waiting. The Stick seems to be seriously under pressure now!”

“Now they’re entering the last chicane! Is she going to overtake him here?! She’s on the outside and she’s going sideways, what is she thinking?! Has she lost control?! No, she’s now heading towards the apex! The R30, despite staying on the inside in an attempt to defend its position, has understeedred and is now on the outside! Now they’re side-to-side, but the Kenmeri has carried more momentum and is overtaking the R30! Can she do it?! SHE DID IT!!! She’s in 2nd Place!”

“And as the orange R34 crosses the Finish Line with a huge lead, the other cars are coming out of the last corner! Guidozzi’s Kenmeri is in 2nd Place, The Stick’s R30 is 3rd and HappyGT-FourBoi’s R33 is 4th!
Now MB Performance’s R30 and R33 have appeared! Lombardi is drafting his teammate Nakamura and it looks like he’s gonna overtake him, and that’s exactly what he does! Lombardi crosses the finish line in 5th Place, while Nakamura is 6th!”

“And that was the end of the race! There have been no more overtakes!”

“It was a very good and intense race!”

“So far the PCRGTC has been extremely good! Hopefully the next races are gonna be even better!”

The results of the 3rd Lap are:


10 pts 1. Pavel N. (A&P Performance - R34 GT-R)
9 pts 2. Gerarda Guidozzi (Power Peaks Perf. - Kenmeri GT-R)
8 pts 3. The Stick (Redline Garage - R30 RS Turbo)
7 pts 4. HappyGT-FourBoi (Redline Garage - R33 GT-R)
6 pts 5. Enrico Lombardi (MB Performance - R33 GT-R)
5 pts 6. Ken’ichi Nakamura (MB Performance - R30 RS Turbo)
4 pts 7. Alexei K. (A&P Performance - Kenmeri GT-R)
3 pts 8. Gerardo Guidozzi (Power Peaks Perf. - Kenmeri GT-R)
2 pts 9. Christian Shields (EVOlution - R32 GT-R)
DNF 10. Dante Markis (EVOlution - R32 GT-R)


15 pts 1. Redline Garage
14 pts 2. A&P Performance
12 pts 3. Power Peaks Performance
11 pts 4. MB Performance
2 pts 5. EVOlution


27 pts 1. “The Stick” (Redline Garage)
23 pts 2. Pavel N. (A&P Performance)
19 pts 3. Ken’ichi Nakamura (MB Performance)
19 pts 4. Alexei K. (A&P Performance)
18 pts 5. Gerarda Guidozzi (Power Peaks Performance)
14 pts 6. Enrico Lombardi (MB Performance)
13 pts 7. Gerardo Guidozzi (Power Peaks Performance)
12 pts 8. Happy GT-FourBoi (Redline Garage)
10 pts 9. Dante Markis (EVOlution)
9 pts 10. Christian Shields (EVOlution)


42 pts 1. A&P Performance
39 pts 2. Redline Garage
33 pts 3. MB Performance
31 pts 4. Power Peaks Performance
19 pts 5. EVOlution

Race Winner: Pavel N. (A&P Performance)

Pavel N. was the 1st to cross the Finish Line, so he’s the winner of the race.

Best Driver: “The Stick” (Redline Garage)

“The Stick” obtained the most points in the race, therefore he is the Best Driver.

Best Team: A&P Performance

A&P Performance has obtained the most points in the race, therefore they are the Best Team.

The 2nd Round of the PCRGT Championship is over! The next Round will be announced soon! Don't miss it!


37 pts 1. “The Stick” (Redline Garage)
33 pts 2. Ken’ichi Nakamura (MB Performance)
32 pts 3. Gerarda Guidozzi (Power Peaks Performance)
31 pts 4. Enrico Lombardi (MB Performance)
31 pts 5. Gerardo Guidozzi (Power Peaks Performance)
27 pts 6. HappyGT-FourBoi (Redline Garage)
23 pts 7. Pavel N. (A&P Performance)
20 pts 8. Christian Shields (EVOlution)
19 pts 9. Alexei K. (A&P Performance)
19 pts 10. Dante Markis (EVOlution)


64 pts Redline Garage
64 pts MB Performance
64 pts Power Peaks Performance
42 pts A&P Performance
38 pts EVOlution

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But dam, all three teams have 64 points.

Great post btw.

04/09/2020 - 05:56 |
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EJ22 (A&P Performance co-owner)

Damn, I’m lost for words. XD
That’s super awesome, your writing is the best I’ve ever seen on the internet, you had me excited through the whole story!
Thank you for dedicating your time to write such posts.
(And I can’t stress how much I’m pleased with how the race went, well done, Pasha XD)

04/08/2020 - 21:28 |
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Are you from Poland?

04/09/2020 - 05:57 |
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Mr. Kei (A Random Corolla) (ZoomZoomer32) (Käfer für i

Meno male che Gerarda ha conquistato il podio… Speriamo che la prossima gara vada meglio!

04/08/2020 - 21:34 |
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Why are you speaking in coronavirus stop pls.

04/09/2020 - 12:48 |
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Interviewer:Eugen Dante had another crash today?What are your comments on that?
Me:Well we all saw and I didn’t like the situation at all.But it is what it is.We are gonna have a word and we will figure this whole situation
Interviewer:There were comments that you should consider your driver line up.Anything to say on that?
Me:Yes.Now think about this.You have a son.And your son is playing in a football team and he is the goalkeeper.And in two games the team loses because he couldn’t catch the ball.But you know what.You don’t just listen to those opinions immediately.And you don’t judge him just because of a bad start.All the team had a bad start and that’s not just his fault its either all of us or none of us.We are gonna keep dante and even if the entire season ends in a dnf we will keep supporting him.He is here for a reason and he will stay because he has proved.And we don’t care what the others say about him or us keeping.We will show results at one point.Thats all for today

04/08/2020 - 23:21 |
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Woaah these are some legendary times

04/10/2020 - 16:05 |
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