Designing my own heckblende. What do y'all think?


Regular Bloke

Second one is my favorite

05/04/2020 - 10:07 |
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Cool. I’m going more towards the 3rd one, with the centered logo.

05/04/2020 - 10:36 |
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Made two more based on the second one. Yeah, it’s better than 3rd.

05/04/2020 - 14:07 |
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05/04/2020 - 14:07 |
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Woah nice. Plus thank you for letting me know this new word.

05/04/2020 - 16:40 |
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Myrmeko (#CTSquad)

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Thanks and yw. 😂
I think there is one more post about these around here.

I tried making own because the one from Hella, although with functioning lights, is quite boring looking, imo.
It’s still kinda cool, but not that cool.

05/04/2020 - 16:58 |
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Myrmeko (#CTSquad)
05/07/2020 - 16:18 |
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Rotary Fanboy

So ure rly getting a mk4 golf huh?

05/10/2020 - 21:20 |
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I mean, hopefully.
There aren’t really a lot of them that i like.
I want one that has a VR5 20V, 2 doors, sunroof leather interior and 4Motion.

I found only one in Germany, but it’s a bit expensive. It’s also a limited edition, Color Concept, the black one, but the owner sold the interior and now it has the basic GTI cloth interior, not even the leather one, so i’d have to go through the trouble of finding a new black Color Concept interior and then selling the basic GTI interior.
It doesn’t have the rims anymore either, it’s on some base model steel rims.
It’s also debadged.
Like, it’s pretty much a lot of work to do, work that i expected not to have to do.

I had found before a yellow Color Concept, but the paint was so damaged, i don’t even know how could that even happen.
It almost looked burned in some places on the roof.
Still, it got sold in less than a week from when it was posted, because Imola Yellow is the rarest Color Concept.

At this rate, i might go for another car.
My mind is on Lupo 3L.
I’d like to make it consume as few as it possibly can.
Like, full on ecomodded Lupo.

05/11/2020 - 05:48 |
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