2017 Vauxhall Corsa- An Extremely Bad TV Advert #blogpost

To be honest, I really miss the days when car advertising was self-contained and didn’t poke much fun out of anything. I mean, does anyone remember the MK2 Golf ad from the mid ‘80s? The beautifully shot; ‘This is the man’ one.

That sort of magic is being lost these days, especially in Britain. And I believe that one of the very worst offenders is for the new 2017 Vauxhall Corsa.

Why? Well it’s simply going to trigger people like me and you: Petrolheads.

So all Vauxhall want to point out to buyers, is that their fresh little super-mini is now available with WI-FI connectivity, and that’s great.

The advert simply starts off with a young man on a date with a girl, together in an old (keep that in mind) Volvo 145 estate.

They look bored… even though there’s a view in front of them. And so it seems the guy’s mates have secretly tagged along in their new Corsa. Why? Simply because the young chap can impress his date by pretending that the old Volvo has WI-FI. (Indicating that the signal is quite widespread.)

This is extremely bad advertising in my opinion. And for a number of reasons!

I don’t have anything against the young chap driving the Volvo, he’s a cute and shy man who just wants to fall in love someday.
However, the intelligence of the girl can be questioned!

First of all, how the bloody heck can she not use her common sense?? That car is probably over 40 years old, and she damn well believed him that it had a WI-FI hot spot!

Surely, in real life, when logging into the system on her phone, she’d be able to realise that the big metal box isn’t a 2017 Vauxhall Corsa…

On top of that, what kind of messed up date is this, when there’s a stunning view ahead, and all she cares about is her internet connection?

That’s not a date, she may as well be in Starbucks.

Plus, I’m pretty sure that there’s very few spots like that in the UK. British dates consist of McDonalds, shopping trips and cinemas.

Of course, awkward silence is a thing. And that’s completely respectable, but a nice drive to a drive-thru would be more realistic, wouldn’t it?

Then there’s the girl not even noticing the guy’s rather conspicuous friends just chilling in the Corsa, literally just 10 FEET away from the Volvo!

If that happened in real life, she would’ve noticed WAY before they reached the viewpoint.

But that’s not the main reason as to why this advert triggers me.

It's saying that old cars are NOT cool.

The fact of the matter is this: Vauxhall can and rightfully advertise the fact that their new Corsa has WI-FI connectivity.

However, what they DON’T need to do, is slam how basic (and supposedly boring) old cars are!

Driving an old car like the Volvo 145 in the advert, doesn’t mean that the dates will be boring. Because in reality, driving and running an old car is one of the most characterful and cool things a person can do.

And driving an old car doesn’t mean you won’t be pulling any girls.

Because with an old car, people will tend to notice you. It’s a sign that you have a real passion, and that you don’t just take things for granted. And isn’t that what girlfriends want?

I don’t want go gloat, but occasionally, I used to get picked up and dropped off to school in my dad’s old Mercedes 230E (see in my garage).

My other classmates of the time (a while back now) had fresh BMWs, Audis, Saabs, you name it. And I was always pleasantly surprised at just how much everyone liked the old Benz.

And after rolling up to the gates in that car, my friends amongst other always used to ask questions like; “How’s the old beaut?” or “Sick car bro! What’s it like?”

Petrolheads themselves love old cars. In fact, even normal people can appreciate a nice or rare classic.

So why is Vauxhall trying to portray that old cars are boring and useless? It just triggers me!

Clearly, the people who came up with this advert have no concept of the appeal of old cars. They really should’ve thought of advertising the WI-FI hot spot very differently.

The moral is- old cars are cool! And they shouldn’t be shamed for not having the modern technology, which stupid little eco-boxes do.

Clearly, nobody who came up with the ad remembered that Volvos were the first cars to have 3 point seat belts. So the old 145 saved lives!!!

Nonetheless, that’s my rant over. I’m open to discussion :)

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You know what it is, because all old Vauxhalls are dull af. So they have no concept of a “good” old car. xD

08/14/2017 - 17:12 |
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Calling non sports cars dull is just dumb, also 20 year old Opels have bigger displacement than your car.

08/14/2017 - 17:28 |
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It’s a perfect advert. It shows everything new about the car, and something very desirable in the people who are actually going to buy the car (17-25 year olds) who care a lot about WiFi. The premise of the ad is also funny and memorable, even if it’s not realistic.
It doesn’t appeal to me, and definitely not you. I love an old car, but most young, non car people want the newest car with the most features. This ad perfectly shows what makes this car desirable to its target market
Theyre suggesting old cars are obsolete and cr4p because if they didn’t, they wouldn’t make sales. It’s an advertisement after all

08/14/2017 - 17:45 |
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Aaron 15

In reply to by Itsuki

You’re on the money actually 👍 Vauxhall have simply made this advert so they can appeal to their technology loving target audience, which helps sell the car. Makes perfect sense!

But as a college student myself, I have to say that I’d still drive an old car, but that’s just me XD

08/14/2017 - 19:44 |
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Okay, you’ve never seen American Lexus ads if you think this is bad. At least this ad is moderately funny and shows a feature of the car. This really looks like you’re pissed that they dissed on a Volvo you liked, while in reality this was an effective advertisement for their target audience. It’s actually amazing that they refrained from trying to make the car look elegant while cruising around in an urban setting with a well-dressed guy driving with a voiceover talking about the car. That’s bad advertising.

08/14/2017 - 18:27 |
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Aaron 15

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Is Lexus seriously that bad at adverts? Damn, well I’ve gotta see those. 😮

And yeah, it is basically just me having a bit of a rant, but I still believe that they could’ve used an old Vauxhall instead of a car that rewrote safety.

08/14/2017 - 19:46 |
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Aaron 15

Okay, to those of you who have been arguing. I like comments on my posts, but not hate and dispute. Come on guys, this may be the Internet but….. please chill out and be respectful 👍

08/14/2017 - 19:48 |
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Vauxhall Corsa’s are usually owned by either A. - An old person with a job at a post office or garden centre.

Or B. - by a 17-21 year old poser kid with a white iPhone and ripped jeans.

Occasionally you’ll come across a rare species like my friend whos just a regular dude who pays for him own stuff.

08/16/2017 - 18:08 |
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