14 Annoying Things Which Car Passengers Need To Stop Doing #blogpost

Isn’t it Annoying when you pick up a friend from work because they screwed up getting themselves home? What’s even more annoying than that is when they begin to do something absurd like play with the windows, or if they are in the back, kick your seat and then take away your head rest. Yeah, THAT guy…. Well, here are 14 more of those incredibly irritating things which that guy does…

1. They Rest Their Hand On The Gear Lever

As you know, it does your knob no good if you keep on touching it. However, some people just don’t seem to understand this. Get those fools with their greasy hair and hairy hands to stop touching your stick…or knob. Whichever.

2. When They Ask You “Are we there yet?”

Such as the movie Are We There Yet? It gets pretty annoying each time someone mentions the phrase that makes you want to stab yourself in the face with a pen. But it’s okay, because you can buy duct tape at most nearby stores, right?

3. Asking You About Every Single Button On The Dashboard

It’s annoying, especially if the passenger isn’t exactly what you’d call a car ‘enthusiast’. And that means that the questions will never ever stop. So to be prepared for a situation like this, put a danger sign on every single button, e.g. Flammable Sign on Volume Knob. Or you could do what Land Rover in the 80’s did and put Cactus sign on a button on the dash. “What, so it that incase we run into a cactus?”

4. Messing With The Buttons After You Told Them Not To. Many Times.

Okay, this is were the water is really boiling. It takes a person who gives not a single sh*t in life to do something such as this. If a passenger does this to your car, throw them out. Immediately.

5. Slamming The Door

Stop it. Just stop it.

6. Eating Messy food When You Just Cleaned The Car

It’s already bad if someone eats something messy like spaghetti in your car, but right after you clean it is worse. You tense up and drive on the passing lane at 70 km/h. Maybe that’s why Peugeots are always holding people up…

7. Changing The Temperature Settings

Every time someone someone messes around with someone’s temperature settings, they pretty much go full on Mr. Krabs mode, that’s why you should NEVER do this. It goes from being funny to “I’m actually going to pull over and hurt you” very very quickly.

8. Opening And Closing The Window

Okay, there are so many things wrong with this. First of all, it wastes (fuel) electricity. It increases drag, which I find annoying (I’m not sure if you do). And it also sounds absolutely terrifying, which distracts you from scaring the crap out of your passenger by demonstrating your epic rally skills.

9. Putting their ugly, greasy feet on your dashboard

Again, so many things wrong with this. Their dirty feet makes your car smell weird. Then there is the ugliness of your stinky passenger’s feet, it distracts you. And if it distracts you, then you crash. And if you crash, then your passenger will be folded in half, and they’ll die with their head up their own ass. It’s like a circle of life.

10. Giving Crap Directions

This is just annoying, having to listen to your friend giving you useless directions when you already know the way.

11. Telling You To Drive Faster

Doesn’t this irritate you? Someone who needs a lift, someone who doesn’t have a car, your passenger telling you to go faster. That’s like a virgin saying that you didn’t “do it” well. It lame and annoying.

12. Being Kicked In The Back Of Your Seat

As I have said before. For the first 5 Minutes, it’s fine. But if you do not stop, it should come as no surprise if you suddenly feel lots of pain.

13. Doing Weird Things To You

By weird things, don’t get the wrong idea. By this, I mean that your passenger could be fixing your hair, putting make up on you, sitting on you. All these are very dangerous things. These can lead to death, in fact.

14. Grabbing The Steering Wheel

This is the least likely to occur, unless your normal driving habit is to hoon your car. This usually happens when the passenger is scared, afraid, or terrified of your driving style, so they [try] to take control of the steering, but this doesn’t help one bit. To fix this, simply drive like you’re 90 years old.

So those were the 14 things that passengers do that piss us off. Anything we missed? Comment down below…

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Honda NSX

15: Exist

08/12/2017 - 19:50 |
2 | 4

In reply to by Honda NSX

08/13/2017 - 00:08 |
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-Telling you speed indications every time
-Being stressed every time a car ahead is slowing down.
-Always telling you to be carefull whatever you say
-Don’t want to listen to music because it “distracts the driver” even doe you’re the driver and you want to listen to music

08/12/2017 - 20:05 |
9 | 1
Metrickzcz (Prelude Squad)

My girlfriend has gained my trust, in Austria you can have 2 beers while driving, she always takes the steering wheel when I open a beer :P

08/12/2017 - 20:21 |
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looks for passport

08/13/2017 - 15:11 |
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i dont agree with 11: every speedfreak ever.

08/12/2017 - 20:36 |
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In reply to by gp24

ssssshhhh!!! That’s what we want people to believe! ;D

08/14/2017 - 19:09 |
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Strangely, I never have these issues. I get the people who thank me for the ride while barely talking about anything except the car control and associated questions.

08/12/2017 - 21:20 |
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Daksh Pat

it’s simple to avoid all these, have no passengers

08/13/2017 - 17:37 |
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No. 3 is still tolerable for me, since it will keep the conversation about cars.
And I will be rather happy if someone says no. 11

08/14/2017 - 00:21 |
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