I've Made A New YouTube Video - BeamNG.Drive Cars In Real Life!
Have you ever wondered which real-life cars the in-game cars of BeamNG.drive are based on? Wonder no longer, and just watch this video ;)
Sorry that there are so few videos coming out, but I’m really busy with school at the moment, and I have very high standards for the quality.
Please comment your opinion down below or under the video!
Tobi aka The Stig’s German Cousin
Sweet! I love beamNG Drive!
Yeah, so do I. My PC can barely run it, but it’s still an awesome game! (Seriously though, I get about 15 fps on lowest possible settings xD I cranked them up for the screenshots in the video - with only one car at a time and the least demanding map ever, that kinda worked out :D)
i just watched it it is very fun to see how the BeamNG.drive cars compare to the real ones
Agree, it’s quite an interesting topic, and I haven’t seen a single proper video on it yet - that’s why I decided to make my own :D
I knew it was a Xedos!
When I first got the game, I always though it was just a Civic sedan… Like, there are some similarities, right? 😂
Great video, but I think some cars in BeamNG.drive are more than one car in real life. And I’m not sure if the Covet is really that Civic
Yeah, that’s true. These cars often combine design elements from various real cars. About the Covet: The front end is definitely a Civic, the rear however is from a different car.
Nice Video!!
Thanks mate (again :D)
Genau so nen Silverado hab ich heute sogar gesehen
Diese ganzen fetten Ami Trucks sieht man bei uns immer häufiger… Am Freitag bin ich bei nem Freund in seinem Seat Leon mitgefahren, und wir wurden fast von einem GMC Sierra Ext Cab übern Haufen gefahren 😂 Das Ding war gefühlt doppelt so hoch, lang und breit wie der Seat Leon Kombi 😂😂
Cool I’ll watch it
Always thought the Pessima looked like a 626
Well, close enough - when I first got to game I always thought it was a Civic Sedan… :D
Gavril grand marshall is Buick Lesabre i think
But its still a very lovely video
Well, there is a document for the BeamNG devs with a list of all the in-ge cars and their real-life equivalents. And somebody got his hands on this list and copy-pasted it into the forum - that’s what I’m referring to ;)
Great video. BTW, here’s my default in BeamNG.
Oh, nice! I also have that mod. My default car is a beater version of the Grand Marshal, however with the non-beat up body and interior. The suspension is really messed up, but it’s awesome for drifting (and crashing!) :D