Hot Wheels Acceleracers AcceleChargers

Canyon Realm: A Racing Realm that criss-crosses over a deep canyon with sheer drops. The skill for this realm could be landing jumps.

Canyon Realm AcceleCharger (Hyper Jump): Allows driver’s cars to make extremely long and high jumps.

Chrome Realm: A Racing Realm that has huge silver spheres. The skill for this realm could be telling what is a reflection and what is not.

Chrome Realm AcceleCharger (Undistort): Erases any illusion or mirage seen to the driver.

Reactor Realm: A Racing Realm with toxic spills and patrol machines.

Reactor Realm AcceleCharger (Sound Buffer): Sends a sound wave with a higher frequency rate to destroy not only itself but the old one as well.

Blizzard Realm: A Racing Realm with vicious snowstorms, zero visibility, fierce sleet, ice, and deep snow.

Blizzard Realm AcceleCharger (Total Traction): Allows traction on any terrain.

Solar Realm: A Racing Realm with solar flares and intense heat.

Solar Realm Accelecharger (Anti Gravitation): Allows a car to manipulate/control gravity.

Micro Realm: A Racing Realm where all cars become toy size.

Micro Realm AcceleCharger (Size Scaler): Allows cars to change size.

Wind Realm: A Racing Realm with savage vortexes of wind as well as tornadoes, flying debris, and swaying tracks. The skill might be driving through harsh winds.

Wind Realm AcceleCharger (Wind Shark): Allows a driver’s car to move through the strongest gusts of wind.

Monument Realm: Little is know about the Monument Realm except that it was completed prior to the events portrayed in AcceleRacers.

Monument Realm AcceleCharger (2-D): Allows the vehicle to become two dimensional.

Desert Realm: A Racing Realm filled with quicksand, dangerous rock passages, sandstorms, and giant scorpions.

Desert Realm AcceleCharger (Sand Speed): Allows cars to safely travel on sand.

Warped Realm: A Racing Realm where there are no laws of physics, not even gravity. It was completed prior to the events portrayed in AcceleRacers. The skill could be trying to stay on the track.

Warped Realm Accelecharger (Teleport): Allows the vehicle to teleport out of trouble.

Fog Realm: Little is known about the Fog Realm except that it was completed prior to the events portrayed in AcceleRacers. Its skill could possibly be driving in the fog.

Fog Realm AcceleCharger (Fog Vision): Allows drivers to see clearly in foggy conditions.

Cybergrid Realm: A Racing Realm with a supercharged track as well as a maze of 90 degree turns and electric countermeasures. The skill for this realm is perfecting 90 degree turns.

Cybergrid Realm AcceleCharger (Folding Corners): Allows cars to snap through 90 degree turns.

Labyrinth Realm: A Racing Realm with a tangle of twists and turns that is infested with Maze Minotaurs. The skill for this realm might be remembering your path when lost.

Labyrinth Realm AcceleCharger (Navigator): Manipulates a car’s GPS System and pinpoints all the right directions and that lead to the finish line.

Storm Realm: The Storm Realm is a Racing Realm with tracks that loop and curve around the sides of clouds, as if they were clinging to colossal mountainsides. The Storm Realm is an electrically charged world of flickering lightning and booming thunder. This realm tests a driver’s ability to focus and avoid distraction.

Storm Realm AcceleCharger (Lightning Rod): Protects car from electrical charges.

Swamp Realm: The Swamp Realm features a winding track that curves through and around gigantic jungle trees growing from a fetid swamp below. Giant worms, giant mosquitoes, and hungry creatures lurk in the shadows and are ready to take out the drivers. The track itself is alive and continuously growing, forcing drivers to constantly choose the best terrain at any given moment.

Swamp Realm AcceleCharger (Sprout Road): Creates an organic road of vines beneath the car.

Cavern Realm: The dark and daunting Cavern Realm features sudden turns and stops, unexpected drops and dips, and sections of track that veer into total darkness as well as falling boulders and giant bats. The Accelerons designed the Cavern Realm to test a driver’s ability to drive in the dark while avoiding obstacles. As such, stalactites and stalagmites appear throughout the course.

Cavern Realm AcceleCharger (Night Sight): Allows the driver to see in total darkness.

Lava Realm: Huge flaming boulders, lava eruptions and magma geysers are just some of the dangers that drivers face in the Lava Realm. With flowing lava a constant threat, drivers will need to master tire dexterity if they hope to stay off the sidelines and stay alive.

Lava Realm AcceleCharger (Impervious Tires): Creates tires that always remain in perfect condition.

Water Realm: The track in the Water Realm runs above, on, and below the surface of the ocean. Sections of track that are completely submerged run through translucent tubes. Periods of breaks prevent flooding, but allow cars, sea creatures, and some water to pass through. Ravenous sea creatures wait for unsuspecting drivers in the darkness. The Water Realm will test a driver’s ability to avoid hydroplaning and spinning out.

Water Realm AcceleCharger (Hydro Glide): Gives car the ability to drive on water.

Metro Realm: The Metro Realm offers a vast night-time cityscape to explore, eerily deserted and dotted with neon signage and streetlights. The interconnecting streets of this bizarre metropolis will force a driver to master the skills of braking, cornering and driving through traffic. To help complete this realm a driver must remember balance increases traction.

Metro Realm AcceleCharger (Battering Bubble): Creates a force field around the car.

Cliffside Realm: Drivers will need to navigate hairpin turns while avoiding rockslides, falling trees and large flying vultures if they hope to make it to the end of the Cliffside Realm. Mastering the art of drifting (which means taking tight turns while minimizing loss of speed) will be essential.

Cliffside Realm AcceleCharger (Turn & Burn): Allows the car to take hairpin turns without slowing down.

Ice Realm: With a track made of ice that can crack and collapse at any moment, the Ice Realm presents a chilling challenge for any driver with it being on a glacier. Competitors will need to be good at negotiating slick surfaces if they want to make it to the finish line.

Ice Realm AcceleCharger (Slip Grip): Gives the car the ability to drive over slippery terrain.

Neon Pipeline Realm: The Neon Pipeline Realm is a unique Racing Realm that features a track running inside and around the outside of a huge pipeline. Drivers will have to race at all angles (and even upside-down) on their way to a win. Mastering drafting will take them one step closer to success.

Neon Pipeline Realm AcceleCharger (Wall Crawl): Allows the car to drive upside down or on walls.

Junk Realm: The Junk Realm is a Racing Realm that will take drivers through a junkyard filled with scrap metal and rusty old cars. Piles of junk crash down on the track, threatening to crush drivers underneath. There’s also problems with piles of debris on the road, magnetized lifters, compactors, wrecking balls, and a big metal fire-breathing dinosaur known as the Mechanized Destroyer. The Accelerons designed this realm to test a driver’s ability to hit the apex of a turn.

Junk Realm AcceleCharger (Frictionless): Creates a frictionless bubble around the car.

Ruins Realm: The Ruins Realm is a Racing Realm with an atmosphere that evokes Easter Island and Stonehenge. The Ruins Realm is peppered with colossal statues and stone buildings. With an ancient marble track that threatens to collapse at any time, 4-headed stone creature, and collapsing pillars, drivers must hone their skills if they want to win.

Ruins Realm AcceleCharger (Phantom Form): Allows car to pass through objects.

Cosmic Realm: The Cosmic Realm is a Racing Realm that features a track composed of colorful planetary rings that lie suspended in space. Meteor showers and black holes are just a few of the hazards that this realm contains. This realm is designed to test a driver’s skill in high-speed control since the low-gravity environment requires the driver to produce as much downforce as possible in order to avoid floating off the track.

Cosmic Realm AcceleCharger (Light Speed): Allows the car to travel at lightspeed. (Note: Some sources say the effects of the Cosmic Realm accelecharger are those listed under the Solar Realm. Those sources do not list the Solar Realm amongst the Racing Realms.)

Sky Realm *: A track that takes place in the Atmosphere above earth ground. Realm Aliens, Massive Flying Jet’s, Harsh Winds are the few hazards in this realm. The Skill for this realm is aerodynamics. The Track Starts from the Exosphere and ends at Troposphere.

Sky Realm Accelecharger (Air Glide) : Give car ability to fly like a jet.

Forest realm *: A Race track that takes place is woodland forest surrounded by Tree’s, Woodland Creatures, and Mountains. The Hazards in this realm is Realm Bears, Falling Tree’s and a forest fire. The Skill for this realm is to go off road and take short cuts.

Forest Realm AcceleCharger (Beast Mode): Gives car the ability to make nature your friend as the realm creatures take you to the very end of the track.

Glass Realm *: A Track made out of solid transparent Glass, filled with twists and turns and big jumps. This Track is hard to tell if which track is Thick or Thin. The only Hazards in this realm is breakable glass, Thin Glass, Jumps. Skill for this Realm is take the thick tracks and avoid thin tracks.

Glass Realm AcceleCharger (Weightless): Glass Realm’s accelecharger gave the car the ability to drive on all fragile surfaces without breaking it, or maybe give the car the ability to become weightless.

Sound Realm *: A Track that is covered by Amplifiers, Microphones and unknown pathways. This track is one of the hardest tracks to survive. The only hazards in this realm is Large wall of Amplifiers, Microphones and Baseline speakers. The only skill for this realm is to avoid Mic’s and hear the sound to find a way out.

Sound AcceleCharger (Sound Level): Give car the ability to block out the surrounding loud noise on the track and makes you handle through vicious sound waves.

Wormhole Realm*:
The Wormhole Track is a dark and empty place in the universe with various interdimensional planes connected by wormholes, some with long tracks, some with short tracks and some with no tracks at all. One of the longest tracks should have a Rocket Socket hyperpod. The drivers would have to drive slow because of the lack of gravity and the holes’ magnetism. The winner would have to take the shortest route.

Wormhole Realm Accelecharger (Shortcut): This Accele-charger will create a interdenominational shortcut in the Realm, so the driver may skip part of the track.

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Nice one!

02/26/2018 - 13:32 |
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ADHD Focus

Ah f—k! Headache!

02/26/2018 - 18:52 |
1 | 0

Is it the abilities or the realms?

02/26/2018 - 19:25 |
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