5 Car YouTubers I Don't LIke

We all have our favorite car YouTubers, I’m not shy to admit it. Evan Shanks, David Patterson (thatdudeinblue) & Alejandro Salomon (Salomondrin) are mine for many different reasons. I won’t get to them now, but what I will get to, is the other end of the spectrum - it’s five car YouTubers/vloggers that really take the piss outta me.

There’s a reason why when it comes to car YouTubers/vloggers, those three are all I watch. Because to me, most car YouTubers/vloggers, they’re either really douchey or really boring. Or, at least that’s how I find most of them. As the great Theo Thomas (BlackPanthaa) once said, “you come for the content, but stay for the person.” That phrase stayed with me throughout my time watching/making YouTube videos. And, when it comes to these guys, the latter totally doesn’t apply. So, without further ado, here are my top 5 least favorite car YouTubers/Vloggers.

(WARNING: Prepare to be triggered if some of these are your favorites. Especially for #5 & #1.)

#5 - Adam LZ

I don’t know why, I just don’t know. Why people love this guy is so beyond me. I just think that his vlogs are so generic and dull - like something one of those basic bros would do. Granted, he’s not douchey, and I’m sure he might be a nice person once you get to meet him. But as a YouTuber, the only reason he’s stupid popular in my eyes is just because of the cars he’s involved with. I feel like people just come to him for the cars and not the person. And to me, that’s just not how it should be. I can’t relate to him as a person at all because I think he’s the same as pretty much any other basic JDM car bro out there, with all the drifting shenanigans. I can already feel the amount of triggered peeps in here sending me death threats, but still, could be worse.

#4 - Paul Wallace (SupercarsOfLondon)

Here’s what happens when you blend Shmee and one of those generic FIFA YouTubers. An overly obnoxious tool of whom I cringe at the sight of one of his videos being at nearly the top spot of any search results. I can’t stand him, I can’t stand his content, I can’t stand his titles, I can’t stand his fans, I can’t stand the fact that he’s famous for the same reason most supercar spotters (of which there are many that I despise) are famous, and so on. I know he’s friends with pretty much all of the main guys in this site, so probably writing this might get my account taken down. But hey, there’s always DRIVETRIBE.

#3 - Mo Vlogs

No need for words. Just watch his dang content, and tell me how in the hell did this spoiled toolbag ever got famous with his interchangeable & generic “vlogs.” Call me jealous, but just watch him (at least, the first two minutes, if you can hang with it.), and y’all will get it.

#2 - Tanner Fox

16 year-old spoiled tool who knows little to nothing about cars and makes videos with titles that are way more Clickbait-y than ProGamerJay or Morgz who drives an obnoxiously wrapped GT-R bought by mommy. Need I say more?

Honorable Mentions:

Before I unveil my #1 pick (I can already feel them triggered folks coming), here are some (dis)honorable mentions:

  • Shmee150
  • SeenThroughGlass
  • Seb Delanney
  • Vehicle Virgins
  • Streetspeed717 (Don’t know why I used to like him, TBH.)
  • Gaskings (By popular demand & I too really don’t like him.)


Why this person is famous and so loved is still beyond me. I legit cannot stand him. Typical JDM douche bro right there who’s all about the ego and trying desperately hard to stay relevant. So he got himself a fake Rocket Bunny kit for his BRZ (or in his terms, Miley), and other acts in between. I am so glad that there are people within the car world that are starting to call him out on it, and I think there should be more. Because for someone as big as this toolbag, he should know better. His vlogs are every bit as lame as those by guys like Roman Atwood, I can’t stand him as a person, he’s desperate for attention and pretty much most of his fans are total AIDS. People like to put him in a pedestal and look up to him like he’s some sort of holy figure whilst overlooking his flaws. Like I said, I don’t get why he’s so loved at all. I tried liking him, but I just can’t and I won’t try anymore. To me, he is the epitome of every stereotype JDM douche bro you see at car meets. Matter of fact, scratch that, I think he’s the Roman Atwood/FouseyTube of car YouTubers/Vloggers, really. Attention-seeking toolbag who’s famous for little to no reason at all, that’s why he’s #1 right here. Bring on the hate comments, fellas.

And, that’s about it for my list right there. Feel free to voice your displeasures down below. Death threats are definitely welcome. But I wonder if there’s anyone who agrees with me on this. I can’t be the only one, that’s for dang sure, right? Sometimes, some things just need to be said because most just can’t voice their thoughts and feelings since they’re afraid of getting attacked by fanboys and such. Okay, rant over.

P.S. I do welcome civil discussions as to why I may be wrong about these people. Feel free to do that, too.

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TJ Hunt is pretty much the typical JDM scene kid with money. I’m sure he’s not a bad guy in real life but everything on the channel is really cringey. I do like some of the mods on his BRZ like the built superharged FA20 but the widebody kit is just not necessary, next he plans air suspension (When I heard that, I left the computer BlackPanthaa style, so much cringe :/) I guess I’m an old school JDM guy so yeah, a lot of this stuff is cringey to me

02/13/2017 - 09:52 |
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You’re totally not alone on that one, dawg. Agreed, up to putting that fake RB kit, I found his BRZ pretty appealing. Nice to know I ain’t the only one haha

02/13/2017 - 09:54 |
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02/13/2017 - 09:54 |
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What about Gaskings?

02/13/2017 - 09:59 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

He’s wayyyy over the top, you can tell he’s doing it for the cash

02/13/2017 - 16:41 |
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Daniel Saerang

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Oh yeah, him too. But for me, he’s easily avoidable since not too many people talk about him. The same can’t really be said for these guys, though.

02/13/2017 - 20:19 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

must be number 1

02/14/2017 - 02:03 |
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David 27

Who do you consider premium/like?

02/13/2017 - 10:05 |
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JenstheGTIfreak (pizza)

I gave Adam LZ a try, but it is not car related enough for me. SOL i’m not sure but he doesnt put much effort in his videos, sounds dumb now and then(like buying a new car after 10 months) and he’s too much of a fkboy to me. Mo vlogs, I am not even going near his channel nor clicking his videos. Tanner Fox I never watched. TJ Hunt never watched him either. What did you mean with the honorable mentions?

02/13/2017 - 10:50 |
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Other Car YTers that I personally don’t like but don’t annoy me as much as everyone on the list.

02/15/2017 - 22:23 |
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Nope Your Right On..

02/13/2017 - 11:15 |
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The thing i like about adamlz is that he admitts he doesn’t know THAT much about cars but you can clearly see him learning and wanting to learn about them and making friends in the process. (Alberto “big boost” for example) he also doesnt use his cars just for views. The latest episodes have been mainly about bmx.

02/13/2017 - 11:17 |
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Shmee and SOL dont bother me that much because I dont watch their content that much

and y u no gaskings

02/13/2017 - 11:58 |
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Deadpool (Cam's much sexier twin) (Official Demon Fangirl)

I have to disagree with the TJ pick, he has always wanted to rocket bunny his brz and do all the things he’s done, you can see that if you look back at his older stuff, I’m not the biggest fan of what his videos have become but I can’t fault him for that. He wants to make a living from YouTube so he has to play the game. And that means clickbaity videos in mass quantity, at least while he is still growing. If he gets popular enough he will probably shift back to how he used to do videos. I’m not sure exactly what doucheyness you’re referring to though.

02/13/2017 - 13:03 |
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Yeah. Idk where they get the doucheyness part either.
I dont like tje fake V3 rocket bunny kit, its too much. I dont like the wrap either, but its what he wanted. I liked the videos before he got the warehouse but I agree with what you mean that he is trying to grow, lets just wait to see what happens.

02/13/2017 - 16:30 |
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I was a subscriber not too long ago, and one of his vlogs he did during Monterrey car week did change my mind a bit. But after all that, I just couldn’t watch him anymore. If his videos are an indication of what he may be IRL, then he just doesn’t seem like the kind of guy I wanna be friends with, TBH. Seems to me that everyone just comes to him because of what he has or the cars he’s experienced with, not necessarily him as a person. That maybe subjective and he may be a nice person IRL, we’ll never know. But until then…my opinion stays. I’m not saying y’all are wrong, y’all can like whoever y’all wanna like.

02/13/2017 - 20:25 |
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Extreme Daniel

Vehicle Virgins would be my number one. Clickbait, Hate-Videos and such an annoying voice and face. I don’t know the others of this list except Wallace, which is probably fine.

02/13/2017 - 13:49 |
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Better not, homie. Haha

02/13/2017 - 20:27 |
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