The stigma around automatic transmissions.

As far back as I can remember, buying a car in a manual was the way to go. I would see someone in an automatic and scoff at their “petty choices”. Buying an automatic was seen essentially a way of telling the car world “I don’t care about cars”. I look back and I hate that. And the problem is more prevailing here on Car Throttle more than anywhere else for two main reasons.

  1. General age group.

  2. Carthrottle themselves (please don’t kill me, I still pray to you every night

[Disclaimer] this post is not meant to hate on anyone.

Age groups:
Of all the websites I’ve been on in recent memory, Car throttle has among the youngest average age I’ve ever seen. First and foremost, this is great. One thing that there’s not enough of in the world is car people, so when you have all these young kids being interested in cars, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the Inside. This is also now where a problem lies. More often then not, I see younger CT users start flame wars about the Automatic/Manual debate for no reason more than “Manual is love, all hail the Manual”. The problem with this is that they aren’t even old enough to drive. They don’t understand that buying a car costs lots of money, and sometimes, finding a manual is extremely difficult. What makes it worse, for the past few weeks, I’ve seen numerous comments/posts about how “if you drive an automatic, you’re not a car guy”. That mind set is blasphemous in almost every conceivable way. This thought that has been peppered into people’s brains is so outlandish it makes me laugh. And whenever I go to see who’s arguing who in these posts, it’s always the people who own the cars in an automatic (or manual, they are just defending automatics) vs the kids who buy matchbox cars. In any case, that’s the first problem. [once again, I am not trying to hate]

Car throttle:
As much as I love the YouTube channel, it’s one of the biggest problems. In so many videos, I’ve seen the whole “non car guy driving an auto” just peppered throughout the videos. Even though that this is usually the case with people who drive an automatic
BMW 3-Series or whatever, it’s meant to be a joke coming from CarThrottle. This is, however, taken completely to the heart of many people and there in made CarThrottle YouTube channel a spawning ground of people learning to take the pitchfork and torch to any car they see automatic. CarThrottle has figurative drilled it into many people brains that drivers cars are In manuals. Mind you, this isn’t their Intention, it’s just what many people have taken from it.

The automatic transmission explained:
Many CT users find themselves buying an auto car. Fair enough. What I then find is that they post “new car”, but get blasted for not having one in a manual. First and foremost, many have to understand that when buying a used car, the automatic can actually be seen as the cheaper alternative due to the manual variant being more sought-after. Along with this, the location of where the person lives can also effect the amount of options the person gets when looking for a car too. Here in America, I browse regularly just for the
Fun, and let me tell you this. In America, if yo try to buy a car, the ratio of auto’s to manuals is honestly about 10(or even more):1. At a ten to one ratio, trying. To find a specific car in a manual that’s also in good condition and at low cost can be a grueling difficulty. Even taking away all the things I have previously said, just because someone prefers automatics doesn’t mean the person isn’t a car guy. Something i see on the internet more than often is people not being able to accept the fact that there is more than one opinion. It’s annoyingly and unnecessary.

Let’s all just take a minute and calm down. There’s probably a lot of disagreements here, so feel free to post them In the comments, but in any case, let’s all take away this from the rant that just ensued. Why don’t some of us learn to accept both Automatics and Manuals into the community, if they don’t already. Hope this shed some light into people’s minds, and thanks for reading my article.
(I love you CT Staff, don’t kill me for my paragraph on you, Ethan is my spirit animal)

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Thank you sir for making this. Ive driven both manual and auto, and even (from my driving experience) if prefer driving a manual, having an auto is great for dailying(is that even a word lul).

The hate towards the automatic transmission is fking stupid tho, especially when its coming from someone who has never driven a car and gets their arguments from other people’s driving experience.

02/23/2017 - 14:21 |
7 | 0
luke c

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Yeah, it’s just a result from modern culture tbh

07/04/2018 - 18:14 |
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I have driven more than my fair share of autos and manuals. and i love my car its a manual and in the UK manuals arent hard to come by. and i just find it that i can pick what gear i want to be in as a massive advantage. but i have to say modern day autos are amazing i got to drive a tts with DSG gear box that was insane couldnt feel gear changes and with the paddles i could pick what gear i want. They both have there pro’s and cons. Maybe when the modern autos are with in my price range i will own one.

02/23/2017 - 16:33 |
2 | 0

Very good article 👍 i can absolutly agree with that i prefer the manual but driving an automatic from time to time is also very nice, its a bit more relaxing in my opinion

02/24/2017 - 09:12 |
3 | 0

Completely agreed

02/24/2017 - 13:28 |
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You are totally on point.
When I want to drive through the city just for transport, I really like driving my moms Prius (funny heh?). It’s really cheap in gas and it is soooo relaxing to drive.
I would hate though to drive the prius in the mountains instead of my beloved volvo.
There is another thing. I have never driven a PDK but I am pretty sure I would love driving A GT3 RS. The driving experience is surely very different, makes you concentrate on other things and keeps your hands on the steering wheel.

03/12/2017 - 08:49 |
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Loved your article, and i could not agree more with your points. Indeed, I would hate to drive an automatic Mx-5 as much as I would hate to drive a manual diesel SUV. Younger carthrottle users cannot understand how tiring a heavy clutch can be, or how some cars are better suited with automatic gearboxes

04/22/2017 - 21:30 |
1 | 0
luke c

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Haha, totally. Apparently, old Ferrari clutches are enough to give your legs a burn after extended use.

04/22/2017 - 21:32 |
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