VW Golf 2 got destroyed in this terrifying accident. Photo + Video

Earlier i made post about RX car getting destoyed(https://www.carthrottle.com/post/wqz9kj3/) So last year in same event “Aukštaitijos taurė 2016” a terrifying accident happened with a VW Golf 2 crashing sideways in tree and ending with couple rollovers. Note this, this car was standart road legal without roll cage.
Driver, walked out without broken bones, just with light bruses, sadly, car went straight to scrapyard.

Drive safe, keep racing only on racetracks and always use safety equipment.


JenstheGTIfreak (pizza)

Nooooo :( so sad it is totalled..glad the driver walked out no problems

02/23/2017 - 18:22 |
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Lucky for driver to survive but this car body costs about 200 euro

02/23/2017 - 18:27 |
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Martins Skulte

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

havent seen for 200, allmost snatched for 300(and that was lucky to find), but here also mk2’s are starting to get rare and expensive. maybe in LT those are cheap…knowing what they do to cars

02/23/2017 - 18:38 |
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Mk2Golfer RIP

02/23/2017 - 19:55 |
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Might be totalled…

But this piece of German perfection kept the driver safe. :)

02/23/2017 - 19:57 |
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Bring a Caterham To MARS

Brace yourselves

“How much for the wheels” comments are coming

02/23/2017 - 23:41 |
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then they will get friendly puch in face… dont want see kindergarden in my comment ;)

02/24/2017 - 09:20 |
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This ladies and gentlemen is why we use roll cages and harnesses

02/26/2017 - 05:28 |
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