Car Enthusiasts, Ricers, and How we're the Bullies. #blogpost by BoaBlogs

Car lover or not, you know of these futile people/cars, us car enthusiasts like to refer to as, “ricers”. In short, ricing is the act of over modification of cosmetic enhancements, or giving your car stupidly horrible exterior and/or interior enhancements. I can guarantee that anybody who had ever lived has seen (or most likely heard) a riced car. Ironically, ricers are the topic of today’s discussion.

I previously turned 16; meaning I’d soon be on the road, making a menace of society with my novice driving skills. Because I believe myself to be a cultured car enthusiast, I would most likely try not to rice out my first car: a 2006 Toyota Camry, AKA “The Silver Turd”. This made me think. After all the catalog experience that I personally have with ricers, I’ve noted that at least 3/4ths of the ricers that I am able to distinguish, were below the ages of 20. Ambiguous information, but it provides a basis of some form of evidence. So, I’ve found that most new ricers are ‘kids’ when it comes to driving. Immature ‘children’ who don’t know how to modify cars properly. You know what kids don’t have, though`? Money.

It is basically known throughout the automobile world, that ricing your car is done with little-to-no money. For example, YouTube, is absolutely riddled with tutorials and videos for cheap, effective ways to rice-out your car. Hell, even the materials used to rice cars are cheap, fishing in willing children to feed on their cheap parts. I can willingly say that I’ve conceptualized many a time of ricing out my Camry. The thought through my head were very scattered, consisting of, “Who cares, I’m 16! This is what you’re supposed to do to your first car!” to “Dear God! What in the name of crap do you think you’re doing?” These thoughts are what compel me to want to rice my car. And then I thought about something.

In my personal opinion, there is nothing I hate more than a car poser. A car poser is somebody who pretends to know things about cars, and tries to show it off to other real car enthusiasts. A car poser is also somebody who says they like cars, but don’t put the time and effort into learning about them, as other car enthusiasts do. Which made me think. What defines a car enthusiast? All my life, I’ve thought of a car enthusiast as somebody who is completely influenced, characterized, and devoted to automobiles. Somebody who is nothing without cars, and lives by their fictional code as long as they will live. Yet, turns out I’ve been completely wrong about these measly peasants. After some quick research, I figured out that the word, “enthusiast”, was a word meant to describe someone who is interested in something. All my life, I’ve conceptualized this word completely mal-significantly. In dictionary terms, a car enthusiast, is just somebody that likes cars. To myself, I thought of the mistakes I’ve made about this definition, and how many friends I’ve ridiculed on the basis of misusing the definition. Ever yet, this still remains touchy subject for me; in the fact that car posers are still out there, making a muck of forums everywhere.

Back to ricers - I have a pretty good friend named Danny. Danny is also a car enthusiast, along with being an all around good hearted person. My favorite thing about Danny, though, isn’t his good heart. It’s his father’s car; a 1987 Honda Civic Si. Looking at it, you see nothing out of the ordinary of a ricer-spec car- An ugly, baby blue topcoat with royal blue tribal marks, a complete eBay body-kit, and (you guessed it) Lambo doors. Yep. I have to admit, as timelessness and swagger the Fourth generation Civic, Danny’s father still had the decency to completely murder the automobile. Under the hood though, is a different story. The classic take of an ugly face, and an incredible personality. Under the hood, lies a B18C5 (Integra Type R engine, otherwise known as a GSR) with a 70+millimeter turbo, complete with N2O and E85, making 700 to the squealers. I realized, I love the car. Not because of it’s extravagantly offensive mug, but because of it’s enthralling personality. It also subtly reminds me of the ‘Fast and Furious’ era of cars, where almost every car had underglow and a wing. Yet, with all this ugliness, came the great performance and fell of the car.

Here I am, a 16 year old blogpost author on Car Throttle. As stated previously, I do deem myself as a cultured car enthusiast. So, ricing my Camry would be completely overruled in my rice-hating head. I thought about ricers even more, and how much we ridicule them for how their car looks. Previously, I noted that ricing your car is cheap, and easy. Let me refer to the average Supra owner. It’s pretty safe to say that at least 9/10 Supra’s on the road have at least 600+hp. It is also pretty safe to say, that this power doesn’t come cheaply. For those who aren’t uber-rich or don’t have daddy’s money to spend on a car, ricing is pretty much the only option f you don’t want to shovel money into your dream car. And that’s the secret behind car enthusiasts. All my life, I’ve lived up to the wrong definition of car enthusiasts. Only now, am I realizing that everyone who says that they like cars, really DO like cars. It is just that they are sprawling at a different rate than more avid car guys/girls. The sad thing, though, is that most of the car guys out there can’t afford their Supra’s or Skylines or M3’s, get made fun of by the guys with the Supra’s or Skylines or M3’s. In essence, more cultured car guys like to hate on the lesser guys, such as the guys with a 5th gen Civic sedan D series with a park bench wing, just because their car is lesser than theirs, or because their ricy-ness levels are over 9000. Thinking about it, this ricer bullying epidemic can be related to many other real life situations. For example, they preppy kids with the Vineyard Vines and Abercrombie make fun of the lesser fortunate kids because they’re wearing Fubu The kids with the Jordans are making fun of the guy with the off-brand Adidas. The sad thing, though, is that the kid with the off-brand Adidas, likes shoes as much as the kid with the new Jordan. And I also do fully admit that some of the “ricer” builds may be completely over the top and boisterous in many many ways, but the message is still the same. So please, stop the harassment of the lesser, and mind your own business you gd* daddy’s boy.


"If people are trying to bring you down, it only means that you are above them" -Anonymous

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OgierJr (Ford Powered) (Hoof-Hearted)
06/06/2016 - 16:33 |
15 | 0

Oh no. Rather give that man a turbo for his Camry.

06/06/2016 - 19:00 |
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800 hp ricey-looking civic ?
Not wanting to be mean but that sounds…

06/06/2016 - 17:17 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Haha I didn’t believe it either. Absolutely crazy car; along with being the most controversial, too.

06/06/2016 - 19:34 |
2 | 0

Thanks for tagging me :) I’ve already seen it. BoaBlogs is really making some awesome, and I mean awesome blogposts. This is just another example. I do admit with him 100%. What do you think about his article?

06/06/2016 - 18:32 |
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Thank you, appreciate it.

06/06/2016 - 19:36 |
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Really nice editing on that subie

06/06/2016 - 19:06 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Thank you for the compliment, but it is not my picture. It is a pic I grabbed off of a Subaru forum. But I too agree it is a great edit.

06/06/2016 - 19:35 |
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As a soon to be driver I support your monologue and think this is a good conclusion althuogh there is a line. Picture 2 is just too much rice.

06/06/2016 - 20:27 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Fully agreed.

06/06/2016 - 20:43 |
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“Because I believe myself to be a cultured car enthusiast”

At age 16 having not even owned a car, you are not cultured.

Most people dislike people who try and pretend their thing isn’t what their thing is, it’s not necessarily M3 guy looking down on Civic guy, unless Civic guy has tried to make his stock Civic look like it’s a fast car.

I’ll give you an example as well. Every day I pull up to lights in my BMW 330ci and inevitably one time some kid in a little cut spring matt spray canned Civic with a fart can exhaust wants to race me from the lights.

Is it snobbish of me to roll my eyes at the dumb assery?

That child seems to think it would even be a race if I didn’t mind risking my license to beat an $800 Civic with an $800 stereo.

Is it snobbery to look down on little fools like that? You can make a Civic quick… but they are more interested in it “looking” quick and having a loud ass stereo that vibrates the number plate.

Top tip btw - use double sided tape, the padded type, on a number plate to stop it vibrating with the sub woofer.

I’ve driven not cool cars, but never pretended they are anything otherwise or turned them into little back lane machines for very little cost. That $800 stereo system could be a nice set of sticky tires…

06/06/2016 - 22:48 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I completely understand you with your idea of “dumbassery” and fart caned civics. The message I am trying to convey, is that most people who consider themselves car enthusiasts like cars as much as much as the BMW 330ci. The guy in the Bimmer can frown upon the person all they want, yet this doesn’t change the Honda driver’s idea of a good car. I understand that cars like that are annoying, and make complete shitcans of cars. I also understand that people can be harsh towards others; especially about their car. And yes, I believe myself to be a cultured car enthusiast. I may seem like a regular river when it comes to knowledge, but what you don’t know about me and my personal life, is that I plan to be an automotive journalist. I’ve been working on cars my whole life, and had firsthand experience repairing and toying with automobiles. I could say such things in my posts, but I honestly prefer not to. Thank you for the comment, and have a good day, Bimmer boy.

06/06/2016 - 23:02 |
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Carter (FirebirdSquad)

Fantastic blogpost. I’ve been thinking the same thing lately, and I don’t really think I dislike ricers. I really do like cars, so I think that if I ever owned an econobox I would rice it out. It’s like you said, car enthusiast will make the most of what they have and if what they have is a boring car, they will put money into it because it is their pride and joy. Most of the time this money goes towards rice, being that the nature of the car is non-performance oriented.

06/07/2016 - 01:10 |
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Thank you for the wonderful comment. I completely agree with you, and feel that “Ricers” are the minorities of the car world. I feel all should be treated equal, as a personality extension of the driver.

06/07/2016 - 01:20 |
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burt cernans


06/07/2016 - 08:27 |
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[ Insert Name Here ]

That was the best post I’ve read in a long time. And I 100 % agree with you

06/07/2016 - 15:28 |
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Task you very much. Appreciate it.

06/07/2016 - 16:03 |
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06/07/2016 - 22:32 |
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