I do not have a truck engine!!

While I haven’t seen anyone say this in a while. I thought I should touch base on this.

Now a lot of people think that the Viper’s engine is derived from a truck engine, well I’m here to put that over 20 year rumor to rest. (The Viper is almost 25 years old now).

Is it based of a truck engine? Complicated answer: Still no, but there is more to it then that.

Warning: James May mode activated

While the Viper’s engine is a V10, it isn’t similar. The only thing the truck engine and the Viper engine shared is probably one bolt….

One bolt. Don’t believe me? Read it here: http://www.hotrod.com/cars/featured/how-the-viper-engine-got-its-horsepower/

And aside from that. The Viper’s engine has the camshaft in the block itself. Even the Gen V has it. Old technology, but it works. Because of this, it gives the Viper a lower center of gravity. The older ones also had an aluminum block (newer ones have an all aluminum engine).

And who helped with making the engine lighter and improving the overall design? Lamborghini.

One small tidbit (not related to the engine itself) is that the gear lever comes straight out of the gearbox. Want to know what I’m on about? Check this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6NGRDZFOP0

So there you have it. The only thing in common between both engines (originally before they probably changed it) was a bolt. And the fact that they were both V10’s.

And there you have it. I hope you found this informative and useful. And if you see another person say “it has an engine based of a truck engine” then just reference this article. (It could save you the argument, but it is totally up to you).

If you want to discuss anything or mention something (that won’t start a war) then comment below.

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CarGuyNolan (Buick Squad) (Diesel Squad) (Truck Squad)

The truck has a viper engine. And I want either one as a badass daily driver

04/29/2016 - 13:59 |
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CarGuyNolan (Buick Squad) (Diesel Squad) (Truck Squad)

In reply to by CarGuyNolan (B…

At least the one that I saw online had a Viper v10

04/29/2016 - 14:02 |
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