Hi guys, I'm the Video Producer for Car Throttle and one half of 2 Guys 1 Car, here's a little bit about me and the #SWAGON. (click for more)
I started at Car Throttle way back in 2011 when it was a tiny blog and there were 200 subscribers, mine and Adnan’s family pretty much. I was being a bum at University and destroying people at Halo Reach. At the time, my brother was creating the previous logo for Car Throttle and Adnan asked if he knew any cameramen. So I went along for a shoot which turned into another, and another, and another, until in my final year at Uni I was working 3 days a week at Car Throttle. I handed my final assignment in on a Friday in May and went full-time at Car Throttle the following Monday.
4 years later and the YouTube channel stands at over 500,000 subscribers and there are now 11 full-time employees. There have been some incredible cars, a lot of laughs and many, many tireless days working with Alex but I’ve met some incredible people! Recently I had my #SWAGON wrapped in chrome gold and purple! If you ever have any questions hit me up here!
Ethan X
When is the Swagon vs Swagen race happening? The Polo is ready.
Do you have enough stickers to match the HP gains from that wrap?
I want to be involved. I’ll take part with the M3. In reverse.
You’re going down m9
This needs to happen A.S.A.P
Well where is your purple and gold wrap? ;P
Be the new top gear presenters already >:(
I’d love to read an entire story of how Carthrotthle came to be as it is now..
Adnan will probably post something to do with that.
Where da Prius at tho
Thanks Amaxi for the montage!
Oops didn’t know this was a repost sorry guys
how are you 1/2 of 2 guys one car
2 guys + 1 car= 3
thus you are 1/3 of it
ethan you sneaky bugger
Are you actually a carguy or is it just acting in videos? do you own other cars that the Swagon? Did you buy a Prius for a few videos or was it your personal car?
i also have this question
I’ve wondering that but i think that they want to keep it secret, like Stig’s personality.
I know the answer!
The Prius was a press car, Adnan, Alex and other CT reviewers drove it too! They wanted to know why it was hated so much
no words needed
saints row you played much of it you did
Genuine question: what’s your favourite video you’ve produced / created for Car Throttle?
I think it would have to be this - http://www.carthrottle.com/post/7ImTXL/ - Very hard to choose one specific video but this is the first time I really appreciated an engine noise I think. We started out filming something completely different but ended up with this video and I’m really pleased with how it turned it out.