How this JDM Fanboy was turned into a Supercar Lover.

"Broads, bullets, booze, booty and blackjack."

They’ve got a whole lot of that out there in Las Vegas. Last week, I had the opportunity to go down to there for a little vacation.

I know what you’re thinking right now..

“Bennett, you’re only 18 you moron, what are you doing in Vegas?”

Relax, yes it is true though. Booze, Gambling, and some classy “escorts” need you to be 21 to be eligible to ride. Vegas is considered a place that’ll lure you in with gambling and women, swallow you whole, and spit you out a few days later leaving you thinking: “What the hell happened?!”

Fortunately for me, I don’t drink all too much, I don’t see the point in gambling, and I really don’t fancy me some hookers.

So where does that leave me?

Because of my unfortunate age, pretty limited actually. However, in the last few years, Vegas has started to accommodate most ages. Having many comedians, magicians, Cirque Du Soleil shows and even a giant Ferris Wheel, Vegas has become more than just prostitutes and casinos.

But what does that mean for an automotive junkie like myself?

NO worries! They’ve got you covered too!

You can watch NASCAR, drive a monster truck, race go-carts and drift buggies in the desert. You can also drive supercars around racetrack, which is what I got to experience last week.

I’ve never been a supercar guy. NEVER. I’ve loved my JDM’s my whole life. My mother even tells me I was born with a vape in my mouth. #JDMlyfe

"I’ve loved my JDM’s my whole life. My mother even tells me I was born with a vape in my mouth. #JDMlyfe"

Me being into the automotive scene, I’ve seen everything that has to do with supercars. I see people praising these vehicles in car reviews, form communities and friendships because of them and I even see kids risking their lives, running after supercars in the street, just to get some photos for Instagram.

The past few years, I’ve been a supercar hater. I’ve always thought that they weren’t good value for what they were, and disrespected them as such. However, I had never driven one before…

So CLEARLY, there HAD to be something to these supercars. What made them so amazing? Why does everyone freak out when they see one? What’s the hype all about?

So, early Tuesday morning, in this prostitute filled hell hole known as “paradise.” I woke up and headed over to a race track to see what the supercar hype was all about.

The track that I went to was a private circuit, owned by Exotics Racing. They have a fleet of supercars that you can rent to drive around their track for a few laps. When I arrived, I chose my cars, they got me a helmet and pointed me to my instructor, who would be riding shotgun while I took the cars around the track.

“Aww dammit” I thought to myself, “an instructor?” Having memories of my drivers ed. Instructor, I figured my first supercar experience would be tainted by some fat old guy yelling at me to “slow down” “you forgot to check your blind spot again!” and “don’t race that Honda dammit!.” Great…

Turns out, I was wrong. Dead wrong.

The guys weren’t your typical driving instructors. They were racing drivers! Not only was I allowed to drive the cars fast, they encouraged me to beat the hell out of them too! They’d yell at me get on the gas earlier, brake later, and challenged me to get as close as I could to the edge of the road for the best possible racing line.

Alright, enough about them, let’s talk about the cars that I drove.

That day, I drove a Lamborghini Huracan, an Audi R8 and a Ferrari 458 Italia.

So what were they like to drive?

I can’t believe I’m admitting it… It was Pure Automotive Po*nography.

The Huracan and the R8’s screaming V10’s and immense grip in the corners wowed me every lap, but it was the Ferrari 458 that really stole my heart that day.

I loved everything. Hearing the 4.5L V8 rev all the way to 9,000rpm, the steering response, the quickness of the gear changes, the pops in the exhaust during downshifts, the monumental grip in the corners, it was nothing short of god-like.

I’ve always heard of people talking about this car. The ex-presenters on Top Gear were all obsessed with it. Now I’ve done and driven it myself, I can gladly say, that I’m obsessed with it too. And it wasn’t just how it performed on the track.

Feeling around in the interior, the aerodynamic body, the feel of the paddles, the sexy carbon fiber.. It felt like I was losing my virginity all over again. (Hi Cheryl!)

Enzo, if you can hear me, I just want to let you know, and I hate to admit it, but you just might’ve turned this JDM lover into a Ferrari fanboy.

So, supercar haters out there. I want to tell you something right here. You guys are right, supercars do suck. They’re high maintenance, people harass you to rev the engine, they can’t be driven through a city, they can’t be parked anywhere without being spat on, and the only people who own them are snooty rich people (for the most part). But have you ever driven one? Or at least driven a good one?
Because let me tell you, it’s quite an experience, and you’re missing out.
I used to be like you guys too. I never saw what the big deal was. I just didn’t care.

But now I can proudly say that I have seen the light, and I want everyone to try it.

Relax, I might sound like a Jehovah, but at least I’m not showing up at your doorstep during dinnertime ready to cram Jesus down your throat.

Don’t get me wrong, I still love my JDM, they have a special place in my heart that I won’t be able to get rid of. Here’s what though. You might not like Ferrari, Mclaren, Lamborghini, Aston Martin or any kind of supercar. But I want you to make an effort to try one. If you live in the north like I do, car season is right around the corner, and I want you guys to make it a goal this summer to just drive a supercar. Whether it’s a friend’s, a rental, or a track day event. Take one for a spin! It won’t hurt just to try! And who knows? You might just like it, maybe you’ll see the light like I did too…

That’s my time guys, I’ll talk to you later.

Bennett Cook (PerformanceandLuxury)

Automotive Student. Automotive Enthusiast.

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Jake Orr

Super interesting read! Thanks for sharing!

03/08/2016 - 16:52 |
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I try to like all Cars, but I’ve never driven one myself. I for example don’t know much about old Muscle, but I don’t hate it. I might seem like a GT-R Fanboy (Pictures), but I’m not. The GT-R Pros and Cons, but it has a special place in my heart. I’d love to drive a Supercar or any Car, because every car has something that makes it special. Before I can judge, I need to gather experience.

03/08/2016 - 17:02 |
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Same here. I find it silly when people point to numbers to prove that supercars are terrible value. The truth is, supercars are more than just outright speed as much as any other bonafide sports car.

03/08/2016 - 17:54 |
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Wow, this was very well written and amazingly entertaining. I live in Vegas and evertime I drive by the speedway I oogle at the Exotics Racing track and wait till the day i’m old enough to try my own hand in a supercar.z

03/08/2016 - 18:18 |
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One Lap Kings

Great write up Bennett! Bryson was telling me all about it, seems like you guys had a blast!

03/08/2016 - 19:43 |
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Aron van Elk

More. More posts like this! OMNOMNOMNOM

03/08/2016 - 22:14 |
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Fad Hill

I’ve always disliked supercars because of where I live that doesn’t allow them to run free. Potholes, potholes, traffic jams, potholes, idiotic motorcycles, traffic jams, and potholes. If I was given a chance I would try a supercar, but possibly it’ll be like having a diet of bread every day and suddenly eating the best food you’ve ever come across. Every bread won’t be the same anymore.

03/08/2016 - 22:49 |
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Those first two sentences described Pennsylvania exactly! It’s so bad, our state animal is a Detour Sign!

03/08/2016 - 23:47 |
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