"if you can't drive fast with 90 hp, then 900 hp will not help you "

Right or wrong?
I think its right.

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If you can’t power slide a 90hp FWD car and maintain perfect control then there is no way in hell you should be touching a 900 hp RWD monster that is way less forgiving

08/24/2015 - 17:11 |
6 | 1

Disclaimer: I am by no means an expert. Regardless of horsepower drifting a fwd vehicle is much more difficult than drifting a rwd. Fwd you have to have the correct speed going into the drift to control the slide of the rear end whereas a rwd you can easily have more control of the slide by how little or much gas you give the rwd vehicle. Correct?

08/24/2015 - 19:26 |
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Pooft Lee

no, but guess which guy will have a wider smile? Served

08/24/2015 - 17:12 |
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Dunno. I’m going to go ahead and assume 90bhp is a first car and I’ve always maintained the car I had the most fun in was my first car! 90bhp corsa. Utter crap but it put the biggest smile on my face.

08/24/2015 - 18:08 |
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I don’t know, I’d go with the weaker car for fun. I got to drive a Nissan GT-R a few months ago and I’ve driven cars with less than 90hp, and If I were give the choice of driving a 900hp supercar right now with a Dual Clutch racing transmission and state of the art traction a control and all the other bells and whistles, and the opportunity to drive something like a Manual transmission Miata, I would choose the Miata every time, because at least with the miata I would be able to use the car to its full potential, or close, unlike with a super car in which case I would most likely die. I also wouldn’t have to worry nearly as much about crashing and damage costs amongst lots of other things. Just my $0.02

08/24/2015 - 18:43 |
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DeKileCH (Opel Squad)

from my karting experience I can say this is damn right. (Also I think 900hp is just too much to be driven fast unless you’re a very experienced race car driver)

08/24/2015 - 17:40 |
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That Guy Who Drives a Skoda

right amen to this quote

08/24/2015 - 17:55 |
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Dave 12

Who can’t drive flat out with 90bhp? My granny can even manage that.

08/24/2015 - 18:06 |
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Mark Mason

That is one of my favorite quotes

08/24/2015 - 18:22 |
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Arne DW

My 90hp fiesta and me agree

08/24/2015 - 19:00 |
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I’ve got less then 80hp and I do think some of those horse have left me

08/24/2015 - 19:06 |
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Depends the ground, track, driver, the car, etc etc etc etc…

08/24/2015 - 19:11 |
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Am I the only one bothered by the fact that you used 90 and 900 instead of 100 and 1000? It only makes sense in my opinion

08/24/2015 - 19:15 |
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