A letter to the community I wish I didn't have to write. RIP Momo.

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drift hero

we will always commemorate momo, just like paul. he’s just a lap ahead of us in a lambo terrin it up with paul.

05/06/2015 - 21:08 |
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I think I’m speaking for everyone as I say this: Paul Walker has an angel that’s watching over him in heaven! I’m crying while writing this. I felt really sad when I heard that Paul had passed away and I cried for an hour. Momo may be a stranger to most of us but I still saw him as a brother, we have lost a very loved family member in this wonderful community! I can’t stop crying about the loss, neither should I. The least I can say now is Rest in peace Momo! I wont forget this terrible day. I will never forget you!

I think that the CT staff should make a community for MOMO so people can remember him. I also think that he deserves some kind of parade or some sort of salute to give him the awesome goodbye that he most defenetly deserve! I say all of this from the bottom of my heart! R.I.P MOMO! We will miss you forever!

05/06/2015 - 21:08 |
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I feel so close to everyone in the carthrottle community, I’ve had detailed and honest chats with people on this site and shared stories I’ve never been able to tell people simply because I know next to no one with my passion for cars. Momo sounded incredibly humble and had tried his best on CT to inspire people to become as successful as him. I feel like I know everyone on the site because of a common interest and losing a fellow petrol head has honestly made me shed some tears reading about what’s happened. RIP Momo and my condolences go out to his family

05/06/2015 - 21:09 |
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You could tell Momo was a great guy just by looking at his post and just as any car guy or car girl here on car throttle he was my brother :’( R.I.P. Momo

05/06/2015 - 21:09 |
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I would like to express my sincere condolences to Momo’s family. I can not imagine what his family is going through right now. Loosing a son, a brother or a cousin at such a young age is a horrible thing a family has to endure. I hope he lived his life to the greatest and that he will not be forgotten. Rest in Peace Momo.

05/06/2015 - 21:10 |
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Momo showed CarThrottle users that even at a young age, you can own the cars of your dreams and Momo shared his success story to inspire readers to chase their dreams. Although we as a community didn’t share a lot of time together, Momo told us many things and treated all of us as close friends, and for that I thank him.
Race in Paradise.

05/06/2015 - 21:10 |
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I didn’t expected that… Rest In Peace.

05/06/2015 - 21:11 |
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Guillaume 9

Keep racing in heaven momo! My condolences for you and your family.

05/06/2015 - 21:12 |
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Karel Bezuidenhout

On CT we are not seen as a car community but as a car loving family. Therefore we are not losing a friend but a brother. May your spirit live in every wheel spin, roaring exhaust and high revving engine.

05/06/2015 - 21:18 |
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I never met him, I never raced him and sadly I never will. For som years ago I lost my Brother, so I know what the family are going through. My condolences are goning to the family. RIP momo.

05/06/2015 - 21:18 |
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