A Quick Post on Why I Think Drifting is Ruining Motorsport

I’ll start off by saying I simply don’t understand the fascination with the current fad of drifting; the following are a couple of my reasons. Perhaps some here will agree, but it will probably just start a lot of hate.

Thrashing Cars

The only other type of “motorsport” that promotes thrashing on cars in a similar fashion are demolition derbies. That being said, nearly every individual I’ve met that performs in demolition derbies finds cars that are at the end of their life and there is no limit to what model is used. They choose simply whatever is available. Their cars are no longer road worthy and therefore find a fitting end.

The drift crowd, however, finds their “dream cars.” These cars, most sought out in unmolested stock form, are then modded to the owner’s taste. Nothing wrong with that. However, after an event or two is when problems start…

The Dreaded Wall Tap

Simply - why?

“Drifting” is the only “motorsport” where hitting a wall is considered “cool.” I’ve attended many Formula 1, Indycar, GT3, Ferrari Cup, dirt track, and 1/4 mile races as a spectator as well as driven quite a few track days myself (road course and drag). Touching a wall is never a good thing; in any way. This leads to drifters being done with cars with the likelihood that they will never be used again.

The Drift Stitch

Another thing that, to me, screams “I just can’t drive, and I’m too poor to fix my own car.” It is a common misconception here on CT that drifters started this, hence the name, but I know it was popular amongst the moto-x and offroad crowd a long time ago. In that arena, this type of fix makes a bit more sense.

Plastics get expensive, it’s (usually) a muddy, off road environment where having protective fenders is necessary to keep the rider from constantly being pelted with dirt. Doing whatever it takes to keep them on makes sense. Still, I never wanted my quad to look beat up in the same way that drifters take pride in their juvenile “fixes.”

Anyone I’ve ever known from a track day always properly repairs their car if “battle damage” is received…

There is No Clear Winner or Loser in Drifting

It is the Synchronized Swimming of motorsport. Real racing is determined by seconds, not judges. There is always a clear-cut, undisputable winner; definitely not the case with drifting.

I won’t say drifting doesn’t require skill, but I strongly believe that setting fast, consistent lap times takes humongously more skill than any drifter (from amature to pro) possesses. Pacing against a solid benchmark, competing with your own times, always striving to be faster will be infinitely more fun than sliding around a bit. I attribute this to the fact I wasn’t raised when everyone gets a trophy and I find it more enjoyable to work hard, push myself, and reach goals.

I’ll see how this goes and may go more indepth with my thoughts on cars and motorsport in the future. I know I often go against the grain here which often receives many negative comments from the hive-mind that is CarThrottle.

And I’ll just end this quickly thrown together post with my favorite quote from James May - “Drifting is for the Unintelligent.”

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All types of motorsport and “motorsport” are preference and this is a really nice piece. I’m perfectly okay with being unintelligent.

12/18/2015 - 00:31 |
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That last but is meant in jest, the children in the CT community just take everything so hard, some if these comments are great.

12/18/2015 - 00:35 |
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Alex Dionne (Subie Squad)

Drifting shouldn’t even be in the same class as other motorsports! Drifting a not all about the lap times. It’s about having fun more than anything. I mean yeah drifters thrash their cars hard and will do anything to keep doing so. I definitely see the appeal, not the thrashing part so much but just the whole idea of drifting, I love it. It’s just not something that should be discussed when talking about, let’s just say formula 1 or rally.

12/18/2015 - 00:34 |
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I completely agree, but in my experience it’s usually drifters that seem compare theirtheir beat up, 130hp cars to others cars that are quite a few classes up. I was just sharing my opinion to get some discussion going and it worked great - tonight’s been fun.

12/18/2015 - 00:38 |
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Real Pain

some people like boxing some martial arts. Some people like to go sideways, some only straight. To be a complete driver you need to know a bit of all. Look at rally drivers. They combine everything to get the best time. I don’t know what people do in your countries to their cars and don’t care, probably they do it for themselves not for you to like it, but don’t put others in danger. Let’s take snow for example. If you don’t know how to control your car, you’ll definitely hit something and wreck your car. If you hate drifting, you don’t have to make a post about it, just simply don’t watch it. Nobody makes you watch American football if you like soccer more. Wrecking cars if part of the job, you have to get down in order to get back up, learn from your mistakes. What i think about all this is if you make a car for drift or whatever, loud and wrecked and maxxed out, whatever, take it to the local track, don’t brag on public roads, putting others life in danger. Even Ken Block crashed sometimes, so don’t thing you are better. Drive safely guys!

12/18/2015 - 00:48 |
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He isn’t just hating on drifting. He is bringing conversation and talking about how it is ruining ALL of motorsport.
His points are valid to some extent, and the very carefree and reckless attitude quite a few amateur dritters only serve to tarnish the motorsports reputation.

12/18/2015 - 01:49 |
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Made a post about this some time ago and it was not positively receptive.

12/18/2015 - 00:50 |
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12/18/2015 - 00:58 |
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While I do disagree entirely to every point made in this article, I understand where you are coming from and appreciate your opinion!

12/18/2015 - 01:29 |
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I was thinking about this before read this. Some points I’m totally agree… Now, the stitches for me are like scars from a war, I love it in racecars, they said that this car has some history.

An you are right, I never understood the competition of drifting, it’s so subjective I think…

12/18/2015 - 01:33 |
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I kinda like the drifting for fun, but competitions are a bit silly, the judges thing, gotta agree with that

12/18/2015 - 01:42 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Thank you. I agree - I can see how it’s fun once or twice…but after that I see no thrill in it because there’s not much room to for forward progression. Continuing to challenge myself by reaching goals is what makes life worth living!

12/18/2015 - 01:45 |
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What’s killing cars and racing is bitching and division. Hate on cyclists or something.

12/18/2015 - 01:48 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

A little hate/competition is healthy. All the “love everyone,” rainbows and unicorns is bs.

12/18/2015 - 02:00 |
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Fun to watch, but i dont really get the scoring either

12/18/2015 - 02:00 |
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In reply to by Razz

There are some things they measure with; Proximity, angle, speed, smoke etc. In the end it ‘s down to the judges but the same is the case with Boxing for instance. I feel like 95% of the time I feel the same as the judges about a heat

12/18/2015 - 16:28 |
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Drifting doesn’t take as much skill as racing?
I can only assume you do neither.
The reason drifters don’t always fully repair rear bumpers and fenders is becaus chances are that area is going to get tapped again.
Thrashing cars?
Have you noticed that in America it’s getting harder to find a BMW e30? That’s because they are being bought up as cheap track cars, and Lemons has a lot to do with it.
It’s just the life cycle of cars. For many, it’s a new lease of life for cars that would have just been beaten into the ground or scrapped.
Cars are just a thing. They are to be driven. Drifting is amazing fun, as a spectator sport as well…

It’s hardly a fad even. It’s been around since the late sixties. At its highest level, like racing, it’s incredible precision driving.

Pretty much everything you have written here is wrong.

12/18/2015 - 02:10 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Why even comment if you didn’t even read the damn thing? If you did you’d know I most certainly track my car…

And looking at your garage, you are not one to talk in the least. But I’m not even gonna argue with a “Cali bro.” I’ve met enough people from that awful state to know its not worth my time.

12/18/2015 - 02:15 |
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