A Quick Post on Why I Think Drifting is Ruining Motorsport
I’ll start off by saying I simply don’t understand the fascination with the current fad of drifting; the following are a couple of my reasons. Perhaps some here will agree, but it will probably just start a lot of hate.
Thrashing Cars
The only other type of “motorsport” that promotes thrashing on cars in a similar fashion are demolition derbies. That being said, nearly every individual I’ve met that performs in demolition derbies finds cars that are at the end of their life and there is no limit to what model is used. They choose simply whatever is available. Their cars are no longer road worthy and therefore find a fitting end.
The drift crowd, however, finds their “dream cars.” These cars, most sought out in unmolested stock form, are then modded to the owner’s taste. Nothing wrong with that. However, after an event or two is when problems start…
The Dreaded Wall Tap
Simply - why?
“Drifting” is the only “motorsport” where hitting a wall is considered “cool.” I’ve attended many Formula 1, Indycar, GT3, Ferrari Cup, dirt track, and 1/4 mile races as a spectator as well as driven quite a few track days myself (road course and drag). Touching a wall is never a good thing; in any way. This leads to drifters being done with cars with the likelihood that they will never be used again.
The Drift Stitch
Another thing that, to me, screams “I just can’t drive, and I’m too poor to fix my own car.” It is a common misconception here on CT that drifters started this, hence the name, but I know it was popular amongst the moto-x and offroad crowd a long time ago. In that arena, this type of fix makes a bit more sense.
Plastics get expensive, it’s (usually) a muddy, off road environment where having protective fenders is necessary to keep the rider from constantly being pelted with dirt. Doing whatever it takes to keep them on makes sense. Still, I never wanted my quad to look beat up in the same way that drifters take pride in their juvenile “fixes.”
Anyone I’ve ever known from a track day always properly repairs their car if “battle damage” is received…
There is No Clear Winner or Loser in Drifting
It is the Synchronized Swimming of motorsport. Real racing is determined by seconds, not judges. There is always a clear-cut, undisputable winner; definitely not the case with drifting.
I won’t say drifting doesn’t require skill, but I strongly believe that setting fast, consistent lap times takes humongously more skill than any drifter (from amature to pro) possesses. Pacing against a solid benchmark, competing with your own times, always striving to be faster will be infinitely more fun than sliding around a bit. I attribute this to the fact I wasn’t raised when everyone gets a trophy and I find it more enjoyable to work hard, push myself, and reach goals.
I’ll see how this goes and may go more indepth with my thoughts on cars and motorsport in the future. I know I often go against the grain here which often receives many negative comments from the hive-mind that is CarThrottle.
And I’ll just end this quickly thrown together post with my favorite quote from James May - “Drifting is for the Unintelligent.”
Destroying cars is the same in drifting as with any other motorsport. As a driver it sucks but the crowd loves it. That is the exact same with F1, nascar, indycar whatever. We all love a good crash every now and then
I have to disagree with you
Wow a lot of mixed opinions in the comments, I completely agree that there is a large part of drifting culture which is unhealthy but I don’t think motorsport is what I consider drifting to be about. I always think of drifting as being something purely done for fun
Thrashing Cars
That’ll actually if you have a crap car which is not suitable for road legal use, or it’ll doesn’t worth the money to repair to be road legal, it’s good for a missile car… Don’t want to save everything, it’s just that simple.
I see much more reasons to have a missile car than a garage queen…
The Dreaded Wall Tap
It’s for the drivers, that can show their skills. If you go so close to the wall that barely scrapes your car, that is a proof, you are a great driver. If you go too close and crash, than you suck. It’s that simple.
The Drift Stitch
If you have a missile car, you don’t want spend too much money on the looks of it…
There is No Clear Winner or Loser in Drifting
You can’t measure with time, but with entry speed, drifting angle, and the balls of the driver…
But i kinda agree with that, i get what you mean here…
i’ll have to disagree with you,pro drifters take expensive cars or cars they like and spend time and money repairing them
walltaps are a thing which you can show of your skill,go close and get extra points,get to close,nope,you suck and crash
drift stitch is for when u have a missile car,you don’t spend looks on money
no clear winner,point are measured by entry speed, drifting angle, and the balls of the driver
that’s my input
The fine line has been crossed. I’m happy.
Considering I saw this post a couple days behind everyone else, I don’t get to throw in my 2 cents… And for everyone who knows what I drive, I’m very passionate about drifting. However I shall leave this: