Rant about Youtuber ' Lord Aleem ' below. ( not hating )

Why does he have 192,000 subscribers? The last time he uploaded was a month ago.

I don’t get how people use him as a source of motivation. His dad won the lottery and decided to invest it into a car rental company. Perhaps even if he was wealthy from a different type of business , he wouldn’t even own 1 flashy car. After all , his dad does have a Toyota Avensis.

Furthermore, the guy is not a petrolhead. It doesn’t even look like he’s into cars. He refuses to get a car which isn’t German , British or Italian. In none of his videos has he said anything which shows he actually has some knowledge on cars. It just seems like he’s memorised a bunch of stats from the brochure. I’m sure some of you will have heard about how he crashed one of the company’s aventadors and then blamed it on the rain.

He bought a C63 AMG 507 edition in a lovely spec but then put it on autotrader with the car having a mileage of less than 5,000. Now he’s bought a 911 turbo.

I’m not upset or anything. Sure . he’s wealthy and successful but a petrolhead? No.

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Steve the car guy

I used to be a big fan of his. But after a couple weeks realized he was a bragging idiot . He always brags about all his cars that were bought with his parents money and just plain rude in the comments

08/22/2015 - 20:11 |
8 | 1

‘ seenthroughglass ‘ deserves more subs than him. Owns a beautiful Alfa. Actually has good content.

08/22/2015 - 20:53 |
5 | 0

Watch success stories with Lord Aleem, he is probably a cool guy, and honestly, who will refuse t a chance to drive one of his cars, doesn’t matter if he bought it or his dad.
The problem is that there are still guys like Paul Wallace, Shmee150, Saabkyle04, Vehicle Virgins and even Salomondrin who do not have the image of rich sons. Don’t forget that most of us is watching his clips from the perspective, of hardworking and always broke guys, while he is living our dream lifes whithout the need of waking up every morning at 4 am to go for 10h shift in the factory. Obviously, buying an Aventador, C63 or 911 doesn’t make anyone the car guy, same with any other brands. Good luck for him.

08/23/2015 - 00:24 |
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His dad didn’t win the lottery, he was laundering money as part of a gang that washed £190 million. His dads name is Saleem Iqbal, look him up. Lord Aleem should be boycotted. The lottery story was a fake story planted by the Iqbals to make themselves look legit. His only real followers are fellow Pakistanis and scallies who are not bothered by the morally and ethically wrong way that the money used to buy those cars was earned.

One other thing, does anyone really believe his cars were torched because people were jealous? In the criminal world torching those cars would be message saying “shut the f* up with your youtube vids”

09/01/2015 - 17:18 |
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Amir Itl

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I think it’s neccessary that those who watch his videos know this…

09/02/2015 - 06:59 |
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Im His cousin. He is a idiot. Last time meet him was when he had the porche. He is a scroog he refused to take me for a ride in his car so I went home. He is a gready person who only thinks about him self.

10/09/2016 - 22:40 |
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