Why do people on CT hate on supercars? I just don't understand. Is it jealousy? Is it hipster? What's the problem?

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Some of my IRL friends who like stance cars are like this, they say things like ” oh this is too expensive, you’ll never gonna afford this” bla bla bla and I get some critic for liking supercars, but I think its bs to criticise people because they like things they can’t afford.

06/15/2015 - 13:30 |
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Honestly, i like supercars like lamborghinis, bugatti, etc. But i prefer japanese cars, because i have a passion in it. If a people hate on supercars, they must be hating the owner of the car itself.

06/11/2017 - 06:30 |
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Wow this is old! Yeah I get that. I just have a sneaky suspicion that half the hate comes from that fast and furious line. I just think go and drive one. 30 quid to drive a gallardo in the UK for a couple of laps and it’s ace fun!

06/12/2017 - 06:50 |
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