Blublublublublublub = The song of the traditional V8 guy
Well people who are into music dont release a song the first time they make it.. they change like visuals (in music videos) and they take out parts that sound bad. The same thing applies with cars. The companies take out things that make the car look ugly and they change how the car sounds so it sounds perfect for the driver
And people make remixes of songs… modding is basically the remix of the original car
Just like with music there are many different genres and categories and everyone likes different things.
If random noises are thrown together, you get noise. Same goes for cars, if you just throw a bunch of parts in a pile, it’s just garbage. The seamless way everything is put together in both music and cars, makes it work in perfection. The inner working of a gearbox is in this case similar to the notes on a page for the violin. The pistons, the crankshaft, the injectors work in perfect harmony in an engine as does the trumpet, piano, violin and cymbals of a song… If one is out of sync, the rest can’t work so well.. The different types of engines have the same basis as different songs. In that they all have to work in a particular rhythm in order for the engine to work, same as the different genres of music. That beautiful body of an XJ220 was just sheets of metal at some point and that’s supposedly all it still is, but it was then joined together to form the iconic form we know today. Same goes for Bach’s music. It was just scribbles, until it was played….
That’s really good, thanks!
So great it nearly makes me cry
deep bro
Everybody has their own taste. Even though something isnt your style, a real lover of art can appreciate anybodys form of expression.
Cars Make music!
They both can trigger powerful memories and emotions.
Nice one!
Well a lot of songs in America in the ‘50s and ‘60s were about cars. The Beach Boys featured and sang about them quite a bit. And we all have those certain songs that make us want to drive just a bit faster.
Yeah, I’ll be sure to include the fact that cars influenced many songs in the 60s. Thanks!
Little Red Corvette by Prince. Don’t forget that classic too.
Exhaust note. And music notes. The low notes with exhaust, and music along with the kids and highs. Point is is music notes and exhaust notes both sound nice.
BrapBrapBrapStustuStu = The song of our people.
Ok… I guess that works!
Blublublublublublub = The song of the traditional V8 guy
Well people who are into music dont release a song the first time they make it.. they change like visuals (in music videos) and they take out parts that sound bad. The same thing applies with cars. The companies take out things that make the car look ugly and they change how the car sounds so it sounds perfect for the driver
And people make remixes of songs… modding is basically the remix of the original car
Just like with music there are many different genres and categories and everyone likes different things.
If random noises are thrown together, you get noise. Same goes for cars, if you just throw a bunch of parts in a pile, it’s just garbage. The seamless way everything is put together in both music and cars, makes it work in perfection. The inner working of a gearbox is in this case similar to the notes on a page for the violin. The pistons, the crankshaft, the injectors work in perfect harmony in an engine as does the trumpet, piano, violin and cymbals of a song… If one is out of sync, the rest can’t work so well.. The different types of engines have the same basis as different songs. In that they all have to work in a particular rhythm in order for the engine to work, same as the different genres of music. That beautiful body of an XJ220 was just sheets of metal at some point and that’s supposedly all it still is, but it was then joined together to form the iconic form we know today. Same goes for Bach’s music. It was just scribbles, until it was played….
That’s really good, thanks!
So great it nearly makes me cry
deep bro
Everybody has their own taste. Even though something isnt your style, a real lover of art can appreciate anybodys form of expression.
Cars Make music!
They both can trigger powerful memories and emotions.
Nice one!
Well a lot of songs in America in the ‘50s and ‘60s were about cars. The Beach Boys featured and sang about them quite a bit. And we all have those certain songs that make us want to drive just a bit faster.
Yeah, I’ll be sure to include the fact that cars influenced many songs in the 60s. Thanks!
Little Red Corvette by Prince. Don’t forget that classic too.
Exhaust note. And music notes. The low notes with exhaust, and music along with the kids and highs. Point is is music notes and exhaust notes both sound nice.
James May and yessica using car notes could work