What's the one single car part you don't understand on your car?

For me it has to be the helical differential. Absolutely no idea. :O

For me it has to be the helical differential. Absolutely no idea. :O

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Catalytic Converters. I get like….what they do. I just don’t get how they do it. Where does it store all the icky stuff?!

02/17/2016 - 20:00 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

It burns them.
CO + O2 —-> CO2
So you get lower CO-value
Diesel engines have problem with black smoke. This is unburned fuel. It gets burned, too.

02/17/2016 - 21:52 |
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The woman sitting next to me ;)

02/17/2016 - 20:14 |
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Kyle Abela

Some weird magnet in the engine bay, it’s meant to do something with the timing, but I doubt it works, the designer was fired after they made this car, so I guess it didn’t work, also they worked with this guy for about a decade or so, it was one of their touring car drivers

02/17/2016 - 20:30 |
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That one thing you press on the floor that makes the car go braaaaap

02/17/2016 - 20:51 |
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My old bmw was always telling me my “Bedienungsanleitung” was broken, took me some time to figure it out

02/17/2016 - 21:29 |
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How the helical/torsen diff works. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=intent://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DJEiSTzK-A2A%23Intent%3Bscheme%3Dhttp%3Bpackage%3Dcom.google.android.youtube%3BS.browser_fallback_url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fm.youtube.com%252Fwatch%253Fv%253DJEiSTzK-A2A%3BS.android.intent.extra.REFERRER_NAME%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.google.com%3BlaunchFlags%3D0x8080000%3Bend&ved=0ahUKEwjNjcnk3v_KAhVKnoMKHd08CJkQjjgIHDAA&usg=AFQjCNEnqAiCrQ0-shFBnLG3ZH2Fn3BAog&sig2=UqHP_B9_x_4oY2gLm9o5fQ

02/17/2016 - 21:29 |
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Why diffs make one wheel turn one way when you turn the other wheel the other way… yet they both drive forward…

02/17/2016 - 21:54 |
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My automatic transmission. Like how does change gears without me pushing a clutch?

02/17/2016 - 23:10 |
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I drive a BMW and I don’t get those shiny reflective things on the side of the car.

02/17/2016 - 23:13 |
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Hakurei Reimu

The coolant line that RUNS THROUGH MY BELL HOUSING INTO MY ENGINE….. Dodge………

02/18/2016 - 00:50 |
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