5 Things Girls Hate On When You Drive (According To A Girl)

We all do things that annoy our girlfriends when we drive. Thankfully, we've spoken to an actual girl for advice on what never to do when the fairer sex is in the car with us. Pay attention, guys!

1. Handbrake turns

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As Jeremy Clarkson once said, men believe that the handbrake is a magic weapon that, when deployed, will make all female passengers' clothes come off immediately. They don’t and we actually hate it.

2. Checking out other women


Nice legs over there walking down the street, aren’t they? We can see you salivating from over here in the passenger seat, even though you guys think we can't. Keep your eyes on the road or you will be slapped.

3. Burnouts


Unless your name is Lewis and you’re in charge of an AMG, you shouldn’t be doing burnouts. They really don’t impress us and 9/10 of you guys have no idea how to do it properly. Stick to what you know - no girl wants to be with a guy like this:


4. Directions

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We get it, you’re proud and think that if you ask for directions you aren’t really a man anymore. But we’re fed up with being driven around for hours not knowing where the hell we are. Just man-up and ask someone.



If your front bumper is in the boot of the car in front, we do not think this is a heroic way to drive. And because we're not impressed, the chances of us wanting to sleep with you are zero per cent.

So there you have it, lads. Five things you must never do when your driving around with a lady. Big thanks to Hannah Burgess for the advice!

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