6 Ways The Pokemon Go Takeover Is Great News For Petrolheads

The Pokemon Go phenomenon has swept the world, with millions of people using the app across the globe. We reckon the game's arrival is good news for petrolheads. Here's why...
6 Ways The Pokemon Go Takeover Is Great News For Petrolheads

1. Empty roads

6 Ways The Pokemon Go Takeover Is Great News For Petrolheads

With more people using Pokemon Go in the US than Twitter, Netflix and Spotify, you know this app is stupidly popular. It means that a lot of lazy bastards who would have previously driven everywhere suddenly have a new motivation to walk instead, so they can catch Squirtles and what not. So, the next time you go out for a drive, the roads might just be a little quieter…

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As expertly demonstrated here by CT friends Boosted Boris and Bridge to Gantry!

3. It might save your relationship

6 Ways The Pokemon Go Takeover Is Great News For Petrolheads

If you’re in a relationship with a non-car person, you’ll come across this dilemma frequently: you want to spend time together, but there’s a kick-ass car show on. The compromise people usually reach is to drag the significant other to said car show, but do that too often, and tensions will rise. Now Pokemon Go is here though, all you need to do is get them hooked - if they aren’t already one of the 20+ million users - and suddenly he or she has something to keep occupied while you go around drooling over hot metal.

4. You'll have a welcome distraction to your project

6 Ways The Pokemon Go Takeover Is Great News For Petrolheads

We’ve all been there: when that one stuck bolt or other tricky job brings your whole car project to a standstill. You could keep at it, and in your stress end up breaking something. Instead though, you can get out of the garage, clear your head, and look for a wild Meowth…

5. Accidental car spotting

6 Ways The Pokemon Go Takeover Is Great News For Petrolheads

Your newfound, moderately worrying Pokemon Go addiction means you’ll be out and about exploring new areas. Imagine what cars you might spot along the way!

6. Beefier legs for race car pedals

6 Ways The Pokemon Go Takeover Is Great News For Petrolheads

Since your Pokemon addiction will result in you getting a hell of a lot of exercise you wouldn’t have otherwise, your legs will end up hella strong. So, if you ever find yourself in a car with a racecar-like heavy pedal box, you’ll be well prepared.

OK, we were grasping at straws a little with that one.

It should go without saying that you should never, ever use your phone while driving, for Pokemon or anything else. Otherwise you’ll end up like this weapons-grade chump.

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Empty roads??? Everybody is now walking across the streets without looking for cars…

07/15/2016 - 14:22 |
5 | 0

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

unfunny Mustang jokes intensifies

07/17/2016 - 12:07 |
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Diesel Rainbow (Parentheses)

Bonus; Since car spotting has been “banned’ in London, point your phone at a car while pretending to catch a Pokemon, while you’re actually snapping a pic!

07/15/2016 - 14:32 |
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07/16/2016 - 13:24 |
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LOL I’m so doing this now

07/16/2016 - 15:29 |
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Fouck hahaha

100% true man, hahaha lol

07/15/2016 - 15:08 |
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The neighbours of whoever at CT is reviewing the GT3 RS must be confused to see such a crazy car in a normal British Suburb

07/15/2016 - 15:31 |
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6 Ways The Pokemon Go Takeover Is Great News For Petrolheads
Edu Doffi

For me pokemon go means more things to care about while im driving, like other assholes doing it while driven, people walking o running from nowher to catch em all. I dont like this pokemon go thing, i think its going out of control.

07/15/2016 - 15:52 |
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Pokemon Go gives ford drivers something to do while walking home

07/15/2016 - 18:41 |
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i thing there will actually be more cars on the road since the lazy ppl wont walk and use their cars and slow down traffic to catch pokemons

07/15/2016 - 20:11 |
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Anas "SadButStillSad"

In reply to by Lavdi

i thing about spelling stuff right but i always mistake think for thing

07/16/2016 - 13:26 |
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H5SKB4RU (Returned to CT)

Pokemon go will kill a ton of cars along with people

07/15/2016 - 20:28 |
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It would be a dream to be hunting for Pokemon and stumble across a GT3 RS…

07/15/2016 - 21:05 |
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Senator Chinchilla

It took me awhile to realize all the random people walking around with their phones are probably playing this. I mean, nobody used to be just out walking around here!

07/15/2016 - 23:08 |
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