7 Times When It's Acceptable Not To Drive

1. On a night out

Being a designated driver on a night out is rubbish. You won’t be able to drink, and when you give your inebriated mates a lift home there’s a risk of having your pristine upholstery splattered in vomit. Leave the car safely at home and get a taxi. Or walk.
2. When you think you hear rod knock

Engine making a suspicious noise? Don’t push your luck!
3. Commuting into a big city

The Car Throttle office is in central London. I live just outside of London. If I drove, it’d take about three hours crawling through traffic, I’d have to stomach the £11.50 Congestion Charge, and I’d have nowhere to park upon arrival. Or I could just get on a train that’ll whisk me to the office in under an hour, enabling me to sit back and relax while I check out the latest posts on CT. Much better.
4. When you can't afford new tyres

If your tyres are banjaxed and you don’t have the cash to get some new rubber, that car shouldn’t be going anywhere. Although as a bunch of hardcore petrolheads, we’re sure you guys know this already!
5. When you're saving up for the next upgrade

If there’s one part you desperately want for your ride, why not occasionally walk or blag a lift instead of burning off expensive petrol? It won’t save you much each time, but every little helps…
6. If you own a Prius

Do you own a Toyota Prius? Seriously, just walk to your destination, and take that extra time to contemplate your life choices.
7. When you're on the way to pick up your new ride

Perhaps the most valid excuse for a petrolhead not driving, don’t you think?
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