An Alpine A110 Advert Has Been Banned In The UK Because Ours Is A Tragic Nanny State

Evidently you can't depict someone having fun in a car on a great road any more, because it's dangerous. That's right; dangerous to even depict it in marketing media, according to the Advertising Standards Authority...
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The UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), otherwise known as Buzzkill Ltd, has decided that a video tweeted by Alpine’s British twitter account needs to be banned – for daring to show a driver enjoying a car on a winding road.

The deleted tweet contained what we believe was this video, above, featuring the lightweight, nimble A110 being spanked along the col de Turini, which was closed at the time to allow the filming to take place safely. It even says that at the start of the video.

Some miserable git, who no doubt hates the idea of anyone having fun in any way that they personally disapprove of, saw the video and complained to the ASA that it ‘glamorised and promoted dangerous driving.’ One instance of cheeky oversteer was cited. STEP BACK, PEOPLE, THIS FOOTAGE IS DANGEROUS.

An Alpine A110 Advert Has Been Banned In The UK Because Ours Is A Tragic Nanny State

How pathetic. How unutterably, ridiculously pathetic. The person who complained should take a long, hard look at themselves and in future stay out of matters that don’t concern them in the slightest. Renault itself said the video demonstrated the car’s agility and handling rather than speed, but God forbid we should be allowed to enjoy a winding road.

Buzzkill Ltd wrote that it:

“considered that speed and acceleration were the main messages of the ad, that parts of the ad implied excessive speed, and that the ad encouraged and condoned irresponsible and potentially dangerous driving.”

Gasp! What a to-do! Lady Wimplethorpe has fainted at the mere suggestion of such a thing! Fetch His Lordship at once: order must be restored! Or, if you can drag yourself away from this woeful, lamentable snowflake attitude, just watch the video at the top and send your own regards to the whinging tool who complained.

Source: Motoring Research

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Hah. You silly British. Banned a car ad for being fun.. I can’t believe you have such a controlling and…
Wait what.. We.. The entire car has been ,banned” in North America.

09/21/2017 - 13:02 |
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Jacob 12

We should be taking the warning labels off of everything and letting the problems sort themselves out.

09/21/2017 - 13:10 |
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top gear jokingly tried to make an official add. They were told a adds purpose may not be for the purpose of showing the speed and acceleration of a car. same as above

09/21/2017 - 14:57 |
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Ah yes, so street racing is all good in America, but one mph over the speed limit is “a bad influence” what has this world come to?

09/21/2017 - 16:24 |
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I think we all know who’s responsible for that 😐

09/21/2017 - 17:30 |
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Kailash Ramesh

This was an amazing advert. I love the fact that there are no words, except the name, describing about the car, manufacturer or their pride. They just ….. ‘show it’ and we feel our sensations accelerating.

09/21/2017 - 19:33 |
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Thats what you get for giving people rights they don’t deserve. #pushthebuttonKim

09/23/2017 - 16:33 |
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How can you be surprised that this is banned? And to get so angry about it too is almost as pathetic. They’ve banned adverts much less exciting than this. I’m not saying it should be banned but you can’t honestly say you’re surprised.

09/27/2017 - 12:43 |
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Please sell a few of these in Canada. Thanks

10/26/2017 - 04:43 |
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The person who filed the complaint must be a Prius driver

01/25/2018 - 15:00 |
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