Biker Who Intimidated Range Rover Driver Arrested By NYC Police
Yesterday, a video emerged of a group of bikers pursuing a Range Rover Sport through the streets of New York, after said Range Rover had run down a number of bikers in its attempts to escape. Now, police have arrested the biker that allegedly sparked the whole shebang.

Christopher Cruz, 28, has been charged with a long list of offenses including reckless endangerment, reckless driving and endangering the welfare of a child. Cruz was the rider who appeared to brake-check 33-year old Alexian Lien’s Range Rover at the very beginning of the video.
The New York Post reports Cruz was hospitalised with minor injuries after being struck by the Range Rover, but has since been released. More seriously injured in the chase was Jeremiah Mieses, 26. According to the Post, and a Facebook page set up in support of Mieses, his spine was crushed in the incident, and it's unlikely he'll ever be able to walk again.
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