Comcast Workers Park Like Morons In The Snow, Carnage Ensues

After a pair of Comcast workers parked their trucks just over a brow of a hill to repair an exchange box in Indianapolis, multiple crashes occurred
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A busy road in Indianapolis turned to chaos on Tuesday, after a Comcast worker parked his truck at the side of the road just over the brow of a hill to work on an exchange box.

Despite multiple accidents happening while cars were trying to slow down - having only seen the truck at the last minute - the guy just didn’t seem to care.

To make matters worse, a second Comcast truck turned up, and he took a similar zero damns given, borderline hostile attitude when his parking was questioned. By the end of the video, a particularly high car casualty count was racked up.

Comcast is said to be investigating the incident.

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If I were that guy I would have just called the cops.

12/15/2016 - 20:51 |
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Paul Anderson

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Somebody did call the cops, it’s in an annotation at the start of the video. “The police were called right after this first slide off. They did not arrive until 30-40 mins after the accident.”

12/15/2016 - 21:28 |
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First sliding pickup truck got so lucky.

12/15/2016 - 20:56 |
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What a complete bunch of numpty’s

12/15/2016 - 21:19 |
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White Comet

let’s make this video rival, Take down the monopoly comcast piece of shiiiit and their shittttty internet service

12/15/2016 - 21:23 |
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The Dutch Texan

Some people in that video were flying… I would never drive that fast in snowy conditions. Brakes don’t do anything and 4x4 won’t save you either. Mistakes can be made even at slow speeds… but that truck at the end was a 100% certified Darwinism graduate.

But man, those Comcast guys where thick. I hope they change their SOP regarding those cones and inclement weather. I also hope they both got reprimanded for their lack of insight. The safety arm (and legal come to think of it) are probably up in arms right now.

12/15/2016 - 21:39 |
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The truck at the end, he isn’t even up for nomination. To be eligible for a Darwin award, one must remove themselves from the gene pool in a way that either makes them incapable of reproducing. Be it death, or destroying their reproductive organs. Speeding on an icy road, and rear ending another car isn’t Darwin material. It’s just being stupid.

12/16/2016 - 05:05 |
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Why are all those people driving in a matter they cannot possibly stop in a safe distance?

Take away their licences please and let those comcast workers do their job. Though it’s surprising how they can continue working with lunatic cars flying around like this.

12/15/2016 - 21:50 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

They were doing the speed limit, probably a little less given the conditions. It’s Comcast, they don’t think things through.

12/15/2016 - 22:12 |
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Comcast Workers Park Like Morons In The Snow, Carnage Ensues
Edu Doffi

The last crash, that was scary! poor passat guy

12/15/2016 - 23:35 |
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Or like… Don’t speed over a freaking hill you can’t see behind under icy conditions????

12/15/2016 - 23:53 |
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That C10 was going waaaayyyyy too fast on snow, then drove through 2 front yards….!!!

12/16/2016 - 00:53 |
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1: Use winter tires.
2: Adjust speed to the condition.
3: Adjust speed to line of sight.
4: Lear to drive.

No wonder USA sits at the #6 spot for total car fatalities pr year. (Behind countries like India and China)

12/16/2016 - 01:57 |
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