Comcast Workers Park Like Morons In The Snow, Carnage Ensues
After a pair of Comcast workers parked their trucks just over a brow of a hill to repair an exchange box in Indianapolis, multiple crashes occurred
A busy road in Indianapolis turned to chaos on Tuesday, after a Comcast worker parked his truck at the side of the road just over the brow of a hill to work on an exchange box.
Despite multiple accidents happening while cars were trying to slow down - having only seen the truck at the last minute - the guy just didn’t seem to care.
To make matters worse, a second Comcast truck turned up, and he took a similar zero damns given, borderline hostile attitude when his parking was questioned. By the end of the video, a particularly high car casualty count was racked up.
Comcast is said to be investigating the incident.
What with the black pickup in the last bit of the vid, btw if you live in North America , there is that one group of people who drive a pickup(because they aren’t capable of driving a lorry)who think that they can drive 70 in a 50 zone on snowy roads just cause they have a pickup truck,and it’s those people who end up 6 ft underground a week later along with the old lady he RAMed into.
Great idea, right over the brow of a hill!
Really, couldn’t think of a worse title ? It is obvious that those idiots driving too fast caused the accidents.
I’m interested to see if, and what Comcast says about the incident.
Had that been me I would have crashed directly into the Comcast retards vehicle. Or, tied a tow strap to one of their bumpers and towed them off the side of the road .
That poor C10
In my opinion it’s drivers fault, in europe that’s obvious, when snow appears - you use snow tires.
Call police instead of going on and on about it.
in the annotations its says he called the cops after the first slide off but they didn’t show till 30-40 mins later