A Day In The Life Of A Petrolhead In 2016

In this day and age, there is so much more to being a car enthusiast than driving and working on cars. We are constantly on our phones, thinking about our next projects and connecting with other crazy people we meet online...
A Day In The Life Of A Petrolhead In 2016

8AM - Waking up in the morning

A Day In The Life Of A Petrolhead In 2016

Getting out of bed every morning is probably the worst part of our everyday lives. Unless of course, it’s a Sunday morning, and you have a car meet to look forward to. After peeling your eyes open, you quickly check if your car is still in front of your house and say to yourself “What a beauty”.

9AM - Browsing used cars on the way to school / work

A Day In The Life Of A Petrolhead In 2016

You use your morning commute to browse cars you can’t afford and calculate the amount of time you’d need to save up for them. This activity often turns into comparing finance deals and adding up the value of your sellable possessions.

9:30AM to 5:30PM - Pretending to work, but really you're just hanging out on the CT app

A Day In The Life Of A Petrolhead In 2016

Due tomorrow? Do tomorrow. It’s time to release some stress by roasting cars in the “Roast My Ride” community.

6PM - After a hard day at "work" you jump into your car to go for cruise

A Day In The Life Of A Petrolhead In 2016

Hands down the best part of your day. You forget all your troubles and head down to your favourite local twisty.

6:30PM - During your post-work cruise, you remember you haven't checked your oil level for weeks

A Day In The Life Of A Petrolhead In 2016

You quickly think about the times you abused your engine (basically every red light) and cross your fingers there is still some juice in there. After confirming your dipstick is dry as a desert, you quickly check everything else on the car. Your tyres? They’ll last another couple of weeks… at least that’s what you’ve been telling to yourself for the past 3 months.

7PM - Time to fill her up

A Day In The Life Of A Petrolhead In 2016

After running on fumes for the last 3 miles, you roll into the nearest petrol station to feed the beast. You put in no more than 10 litres (weight reduction bro) and promise yourself it will last you the week. On your way home you try to achieve maximum MPG but get bored and put pedal to the metal after 5 minutes of boredom.

8PM - Dinner time

A Day In The Life Of A Petrolhead In 2016

Tonight you’re in for a treat. You’ve been eyeing those BBQ flavoured Ramen noodles for a while now so it’s time to put the kettle on and save another £5 towards car parts.

9PM - Watching an unnecessary amount of car videos on YouTube

A Day In The Life Of A Petrolhead In 2016

Nurburgring crashes, dashcam fails, exhaust clips and old Top Gear episodes are the best to kill time before going to bed. There is something therapeutic in watching car videos while finishing off the last bits of your noodles. What time to be alive.

10PM - Checking CT notifications just one more time

A Day In The Life Of A Petrolhead In 2016

That post you made as a joke ramped up an unexpected amount of comments. Before going to bed, you need to make sure you reply to everyone and clear all notifications so you can have a good night’s sleep.

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lol thanks for making me laugh while readind this at work :D

05/06/2016 - 13:00 |
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9 30 to 5.. Rn

05/06/2016 - 13:23 |
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for those of us without a job, license, or a sound mind: 6am-10pm is devoted to car throttle

05/06/2016 - 18:01 |
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Anders Heaney

There is no such thing as an unneccessary amouny of car videos

05/07/2016 - 01:46 |
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I kinda feel bad if this is half accurate for anyone out there >_>

05/07/2016 - 03:25 |
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Three different things 1. I dont go to meets 2. I dont have a ride 3. I dont have to fill up my ride

05/07/2016 - 10:26 |
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I really can’t relate to checking your oil level (“6:30PM - During your post-work cruise, you remember you haven’t checked your oil level for weeks”).
Is it not common for cars to have oil level probes? (of course it doesn’t tell you the condition of the oil, only the amount)

05/07/2016 - 15:45 |
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Legit :)

05/08/2016 - 08:44 |
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OgierJr (Ford Powered) (Hoof-Hearted)

not, my life, because i’m a minor with an open-wheeler that doesn’t run atm.

05/08/2016 - 14:33 |
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Way too accurate

05/09/2016 - 00:29 |
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