Filtering Through Traffic Requires Some Seriously Impressive Footwork
Filtering (also known as lane-splitting) requires technical riding skills which include looking ahead, covering your front brake, being aware of your surroundings and fancy footwork. Here's how it's done, Royal Jordanian's style...
Royal Jordanian is one of several motovloggers we recommend you follow this year.
the amount people cutting me off and swearing at me when i do this in germany is ridiculous.. plus highly illegal…
I’ve never lane split in Germany, but after seeing how efficient it is in France I’ll definitely start doing it this year. Every single driver in France politely gets out of your way if you;re on a bike and everyone is fine with it.
But I don’t understant what’s with the fancy footwork, it’s just a few gear changes and honestly I rarely use my back brake.
there are countrys in which it’s legal. (like the UK) but in Germany it’s totally illegal..
Is this supposed to be impressive or something ? 😜. This is how I ride my bike everyday here in India. (Sometimes you even have to get off the road onto the dirt to make a pass)
What I’d love to see is RJ dealing with Bangalore traffic! He’ll definitely need a motocross bike.
I hate to be a buzzkill, but this is hardly “fancy footwork.” This is just normal riding. Seriously, a few shifts and braking aren’t that impressive. It’s stuff you do from day 1.
I don’t think many people go full attack filtering on day 1 , doing switchbacks around traffic and keeping both feet on the pegs.
Nice riding but yeah just a lil aggressive cruising..
Try this in South Africa and you probably wont make it to work hahaha. and i just love how he revs to announce his presence.
I agree, it’s regular footwork.
And this is some real filtering from Brazil:
Don’t blame me for my insufficient knowledge, but what does the right pedal do?
Rear brakes
Does this guy know where his mirrors are? Or what a blind spot is?
I was expecting to see him get wiped out several times when he doesn’t look around.
Is this legal? I’m from the US and if you were seen riding like that there would likely be some retaliation from some of the drivers especially at a light when he cuts his way to the front.
its legal in ireland and the uk anyway, you get some drivers that don’t realise it is and try and cut you off but otherwise no-one is put out by it
RoyalJordanian is getting a lot of love from Neil W. Well deserved!